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title: Over-Protective?
date: Monday, November 05, 2007
time : 10:48 AM

Von just asked me a question.
So give me another 15 mins to blog this down before back to work.
She asked me over msn: "do u think u over protective?"
I replied: "nope... not at all" (why I answered her "nope... not at all" is because my thinking is that, these are the basic I need to do for my child.)
She: " r u sure?"
I replied: "I am sure. haha"... "but jnl said i am over protective"
Von think that I shouldn't bring so many of her things (home-prepared meal, milks etc) when going out.
She said: "she is big enough to take some of outside food u know"
I know and I have been giving her alittle bit of plain rice to eat for fun whilst I having my meal. But definitely not going to let her eat so much as a meal.
As we know outside food is not as clean as what we think, especially hawker stall. Even if I were to give her eat abit, I will only choose restaurant for her.
Outside food contains extreme lot of salt, sugar and msg, which I think is too much as a meal for a less than 3 year old baby's stomach. And I don't want my child to be picky on food next time. Those food like tibits, coke/gassy drink that are unhealthy/ not going to benefit them in anyway. I will stop them from eating/drinking and try to explain to them the reasons.
Some people may think I am too ridiculous, my reply will be "Nothing is more important than health".
Hubby asked me: " Why you need to bring a steriliser to Genting, so ma fan with so many thing to bring."
Those knowledgable mommy will definitely support me bringing steriliser or sterilising pill when travelling to overseas especially when the kid is still young, not strong enough to fight bacteria.
Like one of my friend, took her 1 year old plus daughter for a oversea trip and she is suffering from serious diarrhea. Her PD did a lab test on the bacteria and found out it was amoeba which is from water. The mother believed that it is when she use the tap water to wash an apple for her daughter and got the bacteria.
No matter how strong the baby is, no baby is able to fight against the amoeba bacteria.
So why not take extra effort to sterilise bottle and wash stuff that will go into their mouth with boiled water right?
Hubby also stop me from installing a internet camera at home. What's wrong with it? I just wanna look at Amabel whilst working, of cos not every mins. And to make sure that the maid behaviours well and take good care of Amabel when I am not around.
I accompanied MQ to her antenatal course at Thomson last Sat. I am glad that I were there, cause the trainer, Mrs Wong is someone I admire. My Antenatal course trainer last time is defintely not as knowlegable as her. She is also the one that helped me alot, when i seek her for help on breastfeeding Amabel. See how she helped me @ http://mypreciousangel.blogspot.com/2006/09/meet-up-with-mrs-wong-lactation.html
I had learnt additional new things on babycare from her just this one lesson.
She is the one that prove that I am not overprotective my child.
She is the one that prove that I am not over-sensitive with my maid.
She is the one that prove that I need to continue to ensure the baby and maid cleanniness.
I am definitely going to send my maid for a babycare course conducted by her if i got another child again.
So once again I am not overprotective. :P
Will like to know how you all think, so do leave me comments on your view. Thx!

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2 Comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think as a mother you know what is best for your child... for those who are not in your shoe, they might not be able to understand/feel the same feelings that a mother feels towards their child... If i have a child next time, i will try to let my child to have the best too, 一个好妈妈的责任, you are definitely not over-protective towards amabel...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:00:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Anon for the comments. Agreed with you that it is the mother responsibilities to take special care of their kid. You will definitely be a good mother next time.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 10:18:00 AM  

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think as a mother you know what is best for your child... for those who are not in your shoe, they might not be able to understand/feel the same feelings that a mother feels towards their child... If i have a child next time, i will try to let my child to have the best too, 一个好妈妈的责任, you are definitely not over-protective towards amabel...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 9:00:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Anon for the comments. Agreed with you that it is the mother responsibilities to take special care of their kid. You will definitely be a good mother next time.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 10:18:00 AM  

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