title: SK-II mini-event (Blogger’s Tea Party)
date: Sunday, December 13, 2009 time : 11:44 PM SK-II mini-event (Blogger’s Tea Party) Do you know that women start to show visible signs of ageing when they are in their mid-twenties? You may notice fine lines start to show and skin start to sag before you hit the '30s'. Oh no... another 1 years+ only and I'm gonna hit the scary 30. Few years back, my skin dermatologist already warns me that my skin already start to lose it's elasticity and sag especially the eye areas, that is always the first area to show the sign of ageing. It could be due to gene or busy lifestyle (for me lack of sleep, tireness from looking after 2 kids and the need to make good friend with the PC during work). And there is nothing I can do except botox, filler or skin lifter. Argh... sad to know right. Still I chose to let it be without any cosmetic procedure and I have to prevent it from getting worst by using skincare products. After I'm a mother, I keep everything simple, to be frank "I am just too lazy". I wash my face at least twice a day with my regular dermatologist facial cleanser, apply vitamin C essence and moisturiser on my face before I go to bed and in the morning. If really tied up with my kids, I could tired till I fall asleep without washing my face at night. That's why sometime I do pamper my skin with once awhile microdermabasion. I should be caring for my skin better now since I'm going to hit 30 soon. So other than using my regular skin dermatologist's products, I'm also exploring and trying any other products that may known to be able to help. So when this opportunity to know, try and experience SK-II arose, I grabbed it. Really thanks SK-II and Nuffnang for the invitation to this SK-II mini-event (Blogger’s Tea Party) at Paragon. A talk on skincare and SK-II product is given and also a mingling session with the other bloggers and SK-II consultants before a skin analysis. Not forgetting that refreshment is provided too. These are the wide range of skincare products with the most popular and signature product that always advertised on TV, the Facial Treatment Essence aka 'The Miracle Water'. The one that stand on the throne spot below. ![]() Then I had my very first skin analysis whereby the consultant using a computerised imaging device to diagnose my skin, a tool that scan my skin and with a few clicks here and there, hoolaa the result is out. It measures skin tone, sebum, skin texture, wrinkle, moisture levels and elasticity level. Through this skin analysis, I managed to find out my skin type and the areas that I should be concern of. As I'm having some powder on my skin on that day, thinking that the result may not be accurate, hence, I decided to do the detailed skin analysis again on my bare skin when I dropped by Takashimaya SK-II counter few days ago. daalaa here the result chart! See the red marking? if the red marking is nearing to the centre dot, which mean you have to concern more on that. With this chart, SK-II's consultants are able to determine the type of products that is able to target your skin problems and recommend an appropriate skincare regimen for your skin type (below). I were given quite a few sample to try at home. After the skin analysis, we had a product demonstration by SK-II trainer, Cindy and the model Mandy (if I remember the name correctly). We were give a pack of free gift and Cindy was teaching us how to use those products Me testing on their foundation and before I left, I saw this nice x'mas set. Nice hor? Overall, the party is interesting. :) Lastly, wish my readers here "A Happy Merry X'mas!" Labels: Advertorial, Events, nuffnang |
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