title: Kinohimitsu J'pan Beauty Drink - my collagen drink
date: Sunday, November 07, 2010 time : 9:14 PM I'm turning the 30's in another 4 months. hoor! why need to remind myself of my age again. :,( Sad to say, the signs of aging is already showing years back and the more I look at the mirror, the more I hate my face. Why the sign of aging started so early for me?!?! Dry skin, fine lines, drooping eyes, sunken undereyes, saggy skin. I have all this problems, but none can be curse but getting worsen each day. Give me back my youth! Am wondering why god give us a baby flawless skin but yet slowly taken it back each day! :( Asked my private dermatologist many many times, each time I visit her, sure ask her the same questions. And each time her reply is the same. "YOU ARE AGING!" "Starting at the age of 25 our body loses 1.5% of collagen every year. As we age, the diminishing amount of collagen production of our body causes our skin to wrinkle and hair turns gray. It is the collagen's job to join the cells and organs in our body and if the production reduces, we start experiencing joint pains and wrinkles, weakening the connective tissue that holds us together." Yes, I'm aging. This is how I tested it using this method, by bending the upper body and head down toward your feet. Snap it and compare your face and skin with the photo you taken normally, in upright. It's normally to look slight difference, but if there is a big difference, then seriously you need collagen. turn the photo upside down to see the difference Oop, that's scary I know! I desperately need COLLAGEN but never take any actions until month+ ago, my friend recommended a collagen drink to me after I complaining about my problem. She tried and given a good review on it. So tempted that I wrote to supplier and checked with doctor on the safety to drink the collagen while breastfeeding. Since I'm only breastfeeding the most once a day, it is actually very safe and it contain no additives - no sugar, preservatives, artificial coloring, flavoring or chemicals added. I drink it every night (esp for first 6 days) after breastfeeding. Really that wonder? This is not a miracle drink, not with just 6 bottles you will instantly see its results, but with continue consumption you'll get the desired result. It restore youthful vitality to skin not only on your face but your whole body including the neck, bust and bum. The functional, instant drink with a high concentration of Collagen helps to plump up your skin to make way for smoother, firmer, younger looking skin in just 6 days. I love the fruit taste and it taste even better when it's chilled. I have drink it for 1 months+, I would say the result is pretty good; within 6 days consuming it, I feel that my skin is so QQ (more taut and firm), I can really feel it esp when I'm cleansing my face. I believe its a combination of everything, stuff I uses on my skin and with this Collagen drink has helped me it achieving it better. Good news to share! Were thrilled when I saw it is in very good deal now. That's why I decided to write this post to share with my friends here Usual price is $39.90 for a box of 6 bottles but now with the same price, YOU GET 10 bottles! I really love the convenience of Beauty Drinks! With this you can say hi to your firmer and smoother pretty skin. You can find this Kinohimitsu J'pan Beauty Drink at Guardian and Watson While stock last Faster go grab it, cause it's selling really fast. I went to 2 Guardian, all the promotion pack already sold out. I had topped up my stocks, so have you? Labels: Product reviews 8 Comments:
8 Comment(s):
My tag msg is referring to the chanel earring in this post. How much you bought for this Chanel earring? Is it in gold, beige colour? What is the model no?
Still soooo chio!! U dont look like ur age lah! Seriously ;)
Mag, the photo made my skin look so flawless mah, cannot really see the sign of aging from pics but irl if u see nearer than you will really notice it
cant remember but i think is $320 or $330 or $340 ba. The model no. I have to really go dig out the box and receipt.
may i know what lashes are u wearing in this post?
Hi anonymous,
I'm wearing model #727 from girllashes. :)
Hi,just want to reconfirm with u izzit safe to drink while breastfeeding becoz before I get pregnant I already consume this beauty drink for about a year+ and I really like the result. So now thinking to continue to drink it again after so long but wonder izzit safe to drink?
Hi dear,
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the same. Safety come first so is better for you to check with your usual physician or gynae on this :D
Or perhaps drink it only after you stop breastfeeding. :)
Good sharing, Kinohimitsu Collagen Drink is no ordinary collagen drink. It comes with 5,300mg of Collagen Peptide specially designed for mature skin to restore youthfulness, resilience and radiance. For detail review visit: