date: Friday, April 04, 2008 time : 6:15 PM weighted 9.5kg Standing at 80cm tall Head circumstances 49cm Hubby said don't wish to go into the PD's consultation room with us. He doesn't bear to see Amabel cry from the injection pain. He scare he cannot control and cry. I scolded him "crazy". The only time we really cried when Amabel cried is she went to have her nose mucus and phlegm sucked out due to the flu and cough virus. We saw the blood flowing with the mucus along the tube. We feel so heart pain to see her going through that. Hubby said will never let her go through that again. I know he doesn't wish to see Amabel cry but vaccination is a procedure which every baby have to go through. Anyway, our brave girl again never cry when Dr Edmund Koh poke the needle on her thigh. I praised her for not being fearful. We bought a bottle of Pure Fish Oil (imported from States) from the clinic for Amabel. It meant to be very good for brain development. Shall update on Amabel development now. Here some update on her milestones. See her previous too Weaning I am pround to announced that Amabel have totally forgot the existing of her pacifier - quite sometime ago. Everything back to norm. She will not fuss before sleep just because she doesn't have the pacifier. Amabel’s list of words and comprehension She is picking up alot of new words this one month. She can said word with the right way at the right time and for the right object or thing. Like rabbit, frog, sheep, bus, cow, sweet (I never let her eat sweet, doesn't know how she pick up the words, unless someone have been secretly giving her these. If, then don't let me know who you are.), bag, balloon, nice, baby, cake, sit, sleep, see, pat, kiss, eat, food, hug, change, brush, wait, play, keep, take, star, horse, beat, carry, turn, throw and "milk, star and more" (which she know very long ago, but i miss out in the previous update). And she can use two or three words together correctly like Mommy read book, Hold hands, Mommy/Daddy change, Mommy/Daddy carry, give me, take off, take out, wake up and many which i can't think of right now. She knows alot more of words, like what is telephone, umbrella, ice-cream, banana etc but cannot said it out correctly. She likes to call me "Mommy or Mimi" or "Daddy" to do things for her. Can understands all instructions and responds to the instructions correctly Good habit Morning when she wake up, if her diaper is very wet, she will touch her diaper and said to me "Mimi change" or "Mimi wet". She loves reading books. Anytime of the day, she may think of reading book and go to her book shelf and took all the books and want us to read to her. Sometime once wake up, she may think of it and want to read book and before sleeping time too. And she choose book that she wants to read. Other abilities Can walk up and down a single step of stairs without any support. can jump, can sort the shape well, Self-feeding (but depend on her mood), Drink milk on her own (sometime do get lazy and want us to hold for her), Brush her own teeth (Not properly brush clean, so still need our help), rinse her mouth. Time-out / Punishment Whenever she do something wrong, I will punish her by asking her to sit in one corner (Time out Method) ask her to "cross your legs, fold your arms and figure on your lip" She will cry and follow according to what we ask her to. And sit there till we forgive her and ask her to stand up. She will said sorry to us (I make her said sorry). But sometime she do think that she is not in wrong and refuse to accept the punishment and said "No". Lol~ Other sweet / funny actions and incident happened Morning wake up she will smile at me and call me "Mommy". Hubby told me Amabel did that to him also. If both of us are still sleeping, she will call us to wake up. There is twice, she wake up, smile and call me "Mommy" and start pointing to all her body parts that she knows and tell me where is her eyes, ears, nose, toes, feet, mouth, cheeks, legs etc. And she got it all right. Hubby jokes that she thought she is having examination or dreamed of that. Haha so funny! I shall be posting the tooth chart sometime ago but lazy. Here it is! Labels: Amabel's behaviour, Amabel's character, Milestone, My Gallery, Vaccinations, weaning 7 Comments:
7 Comment(s):
wow.,,the punishment method is something I've never seen before.Usually for older kids, they just stand at one corner in school. She looks kinda pitiful in that picture, feel like sayang-ing her.
She loves reading which is good! I hope my child loves reading too cos I love it.
Bel so cute! She actually will do exactly what you asked her to at the Time Out Corner?! hahahaha!
I'll have a word with her the next time I see her, tell her 'don't let mummy bully u again' :P
Ya.. Bel is getting more and more clever now.. Still remember that day, she call me "yii yii" and ask me "come come" to join her at the punishment corner.. So cute man!! hehe...
When she knock her head on the wall, she will beat the wall herself... She loves to eat the wolfberry seeds... "gou qi zi"... and she will open my bag and take the thing out and tell me she wanna eat.. hehe...
Ya.. Bel is getting more and more clever now.. Still remember that day, she call me "yii yii" and ask me "come come" to join her at the punishment corner.. So cute man!! hehe...
When she knock her head on the wall, she will beat the wall herself... She loves to eat the wolfberry seeds... "gou qi zi"... and she will open my bag and take the thing out and tell me she wanna eat.. hehe...
Haha Brenda, not bully leh. This is what we learn in the course right. Lol! Ya she will follow my instruction but i think sometime she do think that she is not in wrong and refuse to.
I very object and restrict Amabel to beat the object or ppls when she is being hit or knock by the object. That's not the right way to do that. Next time she face any problem, she will tend to use force.
All is because alot of ppls teaching her that, which often I very unhappy with but I cant stop them when I am not ard. I always scold amabel for doing that. But really need time to change her back to the purpose way.
This time-out punishment is realli very useful. i rent the TV show "Super Nanny" to watch it. i like it alot. great TV show.. learn alot of thing from it.
Yah I try not to resort to using cane or beat her. I will scold her first, if she don't listen I will give her Time-out. Beat them will only make them be more rebel next time.