date: Friday, March 07, 2008 time : 8:25 AM Suddenly feel like taking pics of my working area. It used to be very messy with lot of paper clip, documents, files, staples, and paper lying all over my HUGE working desk. Yestersday I tidy it up, and it now look very much neater to present to everyone. Wahaha~ I bought Amabel for her 18-months assessment and vaccination a few days ago. She weighted 9.3kg and standing 80cm. This girl, she seems to be very brave when having her vaccinations. The most she will cry for a few secs and stop, there is once she didn’t even cry or make a single sound. She is tough… just like me. but I know that she is still scare of injection. Or scare of Dr Edmund Koh? Haha! Why I would say that… cause that day, once we enter the PD consult room, she out of the sudden clasp me in her arms. I wanna put her down on the examination couch, she refused and whine. As if the PD will eat her up. Aiyo kids are really clever nowadays, they know what is gonna happened. After that, Huihui came to meet us and accompanied me for my follow up with the Chinese Physician for some 安胎药 (tonic). And my girl seems to like the Phyisican, when the physician wanna to cuddle her, she never show any rejection. Amabel embrace her and gave her a contagious smile. The Physician happy till like wanna fly. Haha~ And that day, father-in-law brewed a very big pot of chicken tonic for me. It is really yummy and I finished all. I never doubt his cooking skill. His confinement dishes is so yummy too. k Now more about my precious; Here some update on her milestones. See her previous too Weaning After today, it will be 10 days Amabel goes without the pacifier. But she is grouchy whenever she want to sleep. It is really difficult to coax her sleep at night now. Hope everything will be fine soon. Amabel’s list of words and comprehension She is now start learning things, words and actions from the surrounding peoples. So now we have to be much careful about our behaviour and language. She everyday is picking up new words. Sometime you will be surprise how they get to know the word and said it out in the right way. Too many new words she just learn to be listed out here. Here is what i remember now; Jump, Car (which is know quite some time ago), Yes, No, shoes, Eye, Ear, Nose, toe, leg, mouth, teeth, cheek, raining, bread, hairs, barney, elmo, come. sorry Good habit She will keeps her shoes in the cabinet, sometimes she will forget but will do it when we ask too. Talent? She loves music; she will dance with the music. Sometimes she will sing along with the song. Her action is just so cute. We always on the music in the car for her. So now once she board the car, she will request us to turn on the CD player. Hubby said wanna bring her to learn music and dance/ballet when she is bigger. But I am more into letting her learn piano and ballet. Will not force her but let her choose which she likes. There is once raining, we are bringing her out and she saw the umbrella in the shoe cabinet, she took it out and asked me to bring along. Clever! Other funny actions and incident happened She can play with anything; sometimes she will play with the toddler’s umbrella stroller, go get her barney and put it in the stroller and push the barney ard the whole house. Then put a bag on the stroller hanger and push the stroller as if like she is shopping just like what she often see her mom did. Another funny incident happened were, that day morning when her wake up, she saw her 大姑 姑 and called her “wei wei”. Her 大姑 姑 replied in an angry tone: “ Why you call me wei wei? I am ur 姑 姑 leh. She very fast react by saying "Sorry" to her and with her hand placing on her forehead (a sign of apology) . Haha! make everyone laugh! Ok that is all on her update. . . . . Hubby drove us to takashimaya baby fair yestersday night. Pics taken at takashimaya. So many poses Act cool... At the fountain Bought quite afew stuff for Amabel. The Lego And I scolded Hubby for buying lotions and shower gel for Amabel again... He likes to buy expensive and good lotion, cream, shower and hair cleanse for her. I told him we already got so many and he replied: "Girl must take care of her skin mah, if boy I heck care liao lor." Haha Amabel luckily you are a girl. And also a few other stuffs which i never take pic of. Walked for just afew hours, my legs are aching. Just like what Dr Khi said, I may lack of calcium caused by breastfeed. So need to take 2 tablet of calcium supplement daily and milk, but it didn't help very much. I can't really walk too long without resting my legs for this pregnancy compare to when I'm expecting Amabel, which I walked whole day also no problem. Hai... feel so weak. Labels: Growth: Weight and Height, Milestone, My Gallery, Shopping, Tonics, Vaccinations 5 Comments:
5 Comment(s):
hey...i was looking at ur pics of ur workplace...i think itll be better for you if you have some of ur coworkers move that printer further away from you. Its not good for you....
take care and update...its fun reading your entries about your baby girl!
meo, thanks! Will it really affect? but my first pregnancy is ok perhap i shall check with my gynea, how much it will affect. actually I more worry abt the photocopier being just within my workspace. Cos we jus moved it to there.
I am not sure if itll affect your pregnancy...but I suppose all those infra-red in those machines are no good for your own health in particular...cos those printer and copier will give out some carbon(black dusty lookin' thing) and prolonged breathing near them is not good for your lungs...
Acne-free is very mild and much better than Proactive...I've never used Proactive before, but my friend said that proactive caused her face to dry out and red...as in her face started to peel...
Acne-free on the other hand didnt give me that problem, and I did see results after 3 days...u should give it a shot...let me know if you need it, cause I am nor sure if they sell them in Singapore...After all u're huihui's cousin and we've known each other since grade school...
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meo thanks. Ok will check it out more abt that.
crescenet, thanks. Will visit the webby.