★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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title: Past 2 weeks
date: Friday, September 27, 2013
time : 1:17 PM

14 September 13, Saturday

Too busy with office work that I got to change my Dermatologist appointment for vaccination on Friday's lunch to Saturday. Thanks L (the clinic nurse turned good friend) for helping me to slot into their super busy Saturday appointments.

Early in the morning, relaxing on the sofa

Don't have to worry about kids when is at home, they are self-dependent, self-reliant. They go toilet their own, clean their own and get their cooling water to drink their own, wear clothes their own etc. Always told my maid to let them do their own since I did that before having maid.

So now nothing better to do, lazying having my fruit follow by my nuts drink and healthy bread.Whilst maid trying to find something to do lol

After that gonna be out to send my girl for enrichment class and back home to teach my maid cook new dishes. Rushing to and fro is every mothers surely will be doing jobs. So nothing to say about how busy one mother is. All mothers are busy with their life..

Ok... I'm not that super busy cause my kids are independent enough and I managed my time well, I managed other peoples well and managed my kids lessons and activities well, so I don't stress over having to rush here and there everyday, unless I got to meet friends out then time will be very pack for me to get ready cause of the kid's enrichment class, their meals and getting myself dress up.

I don't put too much stress in their daily schedules too though weekdays are pretty hectic for us as Amabel are always loaded with lot of school homeworks and I only managed to get home as late as 7ish at night.


Playing my Dolly's hair. The curl just doesn't stay for her hair
Love weekend doing what I love to do! 

Nice lighting like this, don't need filter edit

In the taxi, Amabel fell asleep on my lap shortly

Whist waiting for my derm in the clinic room.
That's my bookworm....

hahahaha snap snap cause still waiting...
gonna be fast before the derm came in seeing us being like siao lang making funny faces shooting

Done and promised to bring the girl to the playground downstair.
Always told my girls that "Big girl no longer need to be carried, else having the legs for what!" but sometime I'll just feel like carrying my big baby again.

a ride before we left the playground 

I never break my promise, their wish fulfilled @ Haagen Dazs

Alway go for their 'Chocolate chocolate chip ice-cream' whereas Aisleyne loves 'Strawberry ice-cream'
that's my undereyes tear trough at weak angle and with bad lighting; the sunken undereyes looks bad here

Everywhere she goes....

So relax.... love how she take reading as a luxury

Ok you girls enjoying too much. Time for mommy to enjoys shopping for awhile.
Had great fun mix and match the bracelets with my kelly double tour, so nice right and was damn cheap at $10 -$11. Great deal! Must Buy!

In the fitting room.... Aisleyne are more busy than me


15 September 13, Sunday

Sent Amabel to Chinese class then fetched her at 11.30pm and saw the Pony given out with Happy Meals so can't help but to order one happy meal for them.

Bo Liao whilst watching them eating with hus, as I have to restrict myself from eating, so looking at my thigh, feeling sad.... 
                                Hate                                         Wish for                          erm.... too fat

Applejack is so pretty here. Thanks MacDonald

Too rush to cook at home, so we headed to Jurong Point for Lunch at Coffee Bean.

What is sister for?! 
A sister is one of the nicest things that can happen to anyone.
If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.

Their fringe are getting to long, gonna cut for them after got back home


I don't usually feed my girls meals. They are big enough to eat themselves as far as they able to hold the fork and spoon. And not the first time Amabel Loh take the initiative to feed her still struggling eating sister after her own meal. She knows I will go extremely crazy if they take ages to finish their meal. So she better help her sis before i turn crazy again...Lol~
Another videos took awhile back. Jie Jie complaining legs aching after a long walk. Aisleyne took the initiative to massage for her sister
I kanna caught by her videoing her. lol
Yes, I am a Mom! that makes me everything including being their hairdresser





Aisleyne said "Mommy, I'm so happy you cut my hair again" she loves having her hair cut!

Hubby said I stubborn next time I old will be like that! 自拍从不求人 lol~ 

16 September 13, Monday

I used to love sweet a lot. But have never touch a single of that for almost 8 months ever since on healthy diet. And colleague specially bought this natural sweets for my girls, so sweet of her to them, must be pitying them; knowing that I don't allow my girls eat sweets and snacks & of course not to say sweets with artificial contents; colouring and flavoring. Thanks dear. Will just pass one to each once a while when they extremely well behave. 

Hahahahaha, teaching Amabel Math. See what she wrote


The lantern she made in school

My healthy light organic dinner.
Garlic is a must in every meal, stir fry with olive oil, else steam it!

20 September 13, Saturday

Love it! 

Saw this in instagram, now having serum that can grow eyebrows. Look good and amazing!
Though I don't need it (blessed with thick eyebrows) but is good to share that such thing exist. Not sure whether it is good so don't quote me.

Hus said there is this new stall 'That Steamboat' in a coffeeshop at Jurong West Market. He wanna try it out, so I got to entertain him. So here I accompanied him try it out. Pretty good and is not very expensive.

My lovely maid. 
So far still very satisfying with her performance.

Must try.
 Too bad, I got to control so I can't have it too much

Tom Yum Soup! This is damn spicy but super shiok.

21 September 13, Sunday

Early in morning when I washing laundry, they woke up they'll auto go wash their face whilst wait for me to finish my house-chores then to brush their teeth

Off for enrichment class 

and both so self-reliants, go to their wardrobe, chosen their own ootd and changed it themselves whilst I were busy tidying up my bed and preparing their bags.

I couldn't stop laughing at Aisleyne when she asked me again in a very troubling tone "Mommy, I don't have boyfriend, then how I get marry?" I really feel like *crying* siao Liao really headache for me.
Going to fetch Amabel jiejie from school. 
She spotted a rooster, 

can quickly ran after it.
Got me so frightened and started screaming for her, haha I scared the rooster attack her.

Whilst am ordering lunch for the kids, my bookworm took out her homework and start doing, why so good girl one lol

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Aft her lunch,do her work again. Very auto sia,I nv give her too much pressure when come to study infact her daddy is

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She really love and enjoy studying which is really good.

She said she wanna read it to me. Surprised she know all the difficult words

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Noon time, Hus back from work with our favorite macarons from Pique Nique

She really has great passion in dancing and she can never stop me from laughing at her. She never fail to surprise us most time. Really surprise again that I LOL. Sorry bad mommy but u are just too funny la. I really love laughing and disturbing you Aisleyne.

Amabel Loh sing and Aisleyne dances. I really had a laughing biscuit at home. She never fail to make me keep laughing at her dance moves. Really cmi, surprised me again with her monkey dance, her latest "new dance". How not to love her!!!!

Hus said to Aisleyne "wah, your legs muscles very big"..... then my forever surprise us girl replied "then is it that I can fight?" Arghhhhh... Headache got to really worryyy *rolleyes*

These two video took weeks back
Ballerina doing failed cart wheel but she really has very strong legs.

 Doing tummy massage for my big babies.Have been doing that since they are infant. Really work for infant or baby having tummy wind or unable to burp well after milk.

My elder girl has been asking me for fried beehoon which I not yet teach my maid, so today on my maid off day I cooked it for them again for dinner. After done cleaning up my kitchen, really sweat max. 



My organic vegan brown rice beehoon for 3 of us! 
Most blessed thing for a child is to get to eat what their mom cooked for them. 
oh ya love my wok  

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