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title: Stop judging, this makes you no better than them!
date: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
time : 8:22 AM

Been real busy with work and life lately, so much things and photos to update yet I got too little time for that. Only have little free time during morning and evening journey to and back office and home, during lunch and before bed. Extremely stressful lately cause of the endless work.

Saw the youtube video on Tyra - Panel of Hates this morning on the bus, so made me wanna share this... 

Check out their other videos in youtube

Who are you to judge?!

Just because a person don't have the same negative views as you. Just because a person appearance don't look presentable / perfect to you, just because a person don't agree with your negative points, the negative words you said, the negative things you did...just because you can't accept it, you blind yourself by saying negative comments and judgement on those people.

I see how scary these people are (I met one! thanks god only one, one dishonest person that don't worth it as a friend), saying words that sound like trying to make own self appear like a great angel and bring others down.

You make no better than anyone else.

Calling someone fake won’t make you real. Calling someone ugly won’t make you pretty. Calling someone stupid won’t make you smart.

And look at yourself... be it look, attitude or personality, before judging others. Saying that makes you no better than them. It is an unnecessary burden to make negative judgmental assumptions about others. We are all on a journey.

“By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.” 

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