title: KinderCorner 2 Graduation cum Concert Day
date: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 time : 4:20 PM December 7 Friday, KinderCorner 2 Graduation cum Concert Day, also the day Aisleyne discharged from NUH. Boss came to visit again, followed by Dearie Sz came during her lunch, we had lunch together after we done with the discharge. I don't why...till now I still feel really bad towards Amabel, cause this is the important day for her, a milestone for her, graduates from Kindergarten and yet her grandparent unable to attend as they need to help take care her sister, Aisleyne who needs to rest at home. Weeks before, I asked her, who she wants to invite to her graduation, she excitedly said she really want 奶奶 and 爷爷 to attend. Hence, I requested for four tickets, but......... :( Well, still thanks god that Aisleyne discharged before the graduation concert, else either me or hus will have to miss it. I felt really sad too that Aisleyne got to withdraw from her performance that day, we gonna miss her awesome performance; she has been working very hard practicing the dance even at home. Think about it I feel like crying now! SUPER EMO. Till now, I still don't dare to let her see the video I took that day of her classmates performing, cause I don't know whether she will feel sad seeing that she wasn't involved. Received a "Get Well Soon" card from the Teachers and classmates Even looking at these pics now, I cannot stop my tears I feel so pain for her. Very traumatize for me too especially after the day I saw the PAIN she went through so cute and sweet looking at those thumbprints of her classmates She really lost lot of fat and muscles from this sickness, really a pain for me. But thanks god she is eating very well now, her huge appetite is back!! Hope she can gain back the weight soon. ![]() ![]() That evening, send Aisleyne to in-law's place, rest for awhile and we headed to the graduation concert. Didn't expected her to come out so fast, my camera not even really yet to video This is sooooo cute Wanna cry again, Aisleyne supposed to be in here! Amabel performing here Finale group 2 Comments:
2 Comment(s):
Hi Apple, what happened to your little girl? My 2 yr old gal was also admitted to NUH on 6 Dec due to stomach flu (diarrhoea and vomitting for days) that led to her being dehydrated and she got into fits and fainted at home..
She was discharged after staying for 2 nights at NUH with drip.
Before this incident, we had brought her to the GP but she vomitted all the med and thus she didn't recover as expected.
After her discharge from hospital, she too lost weight and looked tired but still having diarrhoea. the med didnt help and my mum brought her to see chinese physician, they gave her those powdered med to mix with water. it is terrible to force feed her but slowly we saw improvements and her appetite is now bigger than even before she fell sick. Perhaps u can try, but i presume ur girl is already fully recovered. the TCM shop we went to was at JW market. around Watsons that stretch.
Do tk care!
Oh dear, sorry to hear that ur girl went to this too. Yup my girl was recovered fully the day after discharge, back to super active again and yes she has gained back her weight and all the muscle LOL~
My girl was admitted to NUH on 5 Dec due to stomach flu (serious vomiting for days) that led to her being dehydrated. She was then stayed for 2 nights with drip and discharged on 7 Dec. Which ward ur girl in that time? Most likely in the same ward maybe :)