title: Insect bites
date: Friday, January 01, 2010 time : 10:59 PM How cruel this insect can be. This isn't the first time my girls are being bite by insects. We suspected before the swell spots (previous cases) are caused by mosquitoes or even bedbugs. Even the Children A&E's doctor unable to diagnose what insect caused that for the previous case that happened on Amabel last Chinese New Year. The bites were red, swollen and left an ugly mark after recovering. This is how power the insect bite are. The bite cause Amabel's eye to swollen for a week. This pic show very clearly how badly her eye was being bite. Badly swollen. This happened again 3 days ago on Aisleyne. I just took this video few minutes ago and it is the 3rd day of recovering, the swell had subsided, dried up and peeling after applying medication. We found Aisleyne was bitten by something early in the morning, and it got worst the next day when we back from work. It look redish and swollen with tiny puslike liquid, very scary. It must be damn itchy. Our heart aches!! Immediately we drove her to see our PD, Dr Gong, at his Holland grove clinic. He seen this kind of bite before and said it's ant bite. It weren't look like bedbug and it couldn't be mosquitoes bite cause once the mosquitoes bite once, it will goes off so it wouldn't be biting Aisleyne till 5 bites. We are trying all sort of way to prevent this from happening again. Any of you encountered this before? For now, praying hard that any sort of insects can stay away from my girls, if not I will sure kill all of you!! Labels: Aisleyne, My Video, ranting 3 Comments:
3 Comment(s):
poor lil gal. my eldest encounter this before. 4-5 times on e leg too... Upon recovering got sort of liquid, itchy. Then leave a scar. I hate this ant. So cruel... But my mum told me, it might some kind of insect urine that our kids w/o notice passby then got it... I donno lah... Hope ur lil gal recover soonest... Tk care...
I can still remember how swollen Amabel's eye was.
Did the PD mentioned what kind of ants gives such horrible stings? I wanna kill them all too!
Grace and Leann,
My PD seems to be pretty sure that it is ant bite, it is because my girls have sensitive skin hence it can get so red, big and swollen. :(
yes i find that whenever they kanna mosquito bite, it is quite big also