title: Basic Theory Test
date: Monday, January 04, 2010
time : 3:16 PM
I have MADE it!!
Though it is just a pass for the basic theory test, no big due i know, but I'm extremely over excited, without this I can't go to the next stage. Don't know is it because too many years never take test, I were so nervous till my heart went pop pop pop and I couldn't stop tittering on my silliness when I sitting infront the screen before the test starts. Lol~
I finished all the questions in about 20mins but I sat till the last second checking all my answers. On the time I need to tap on the "End Test", I don't dare to look at my result that I actually peek on the PASSED on the screen. phew! *relieve*
Next will be another evaluation test and then Final theory test in February, also the number of practical lessons.
What a busy 2010 ahead!!
Hope everything goes shun shun for me in 2010.
Same to all my reader. ;)
Labels: Driving
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