title: Woes of a working mom
date: Friday, October 16, 2009 time : 8:43 AM Woes of a working mom My hands going to break, very breathless. I told Amabel, we going to take taxi cause seem like it is going to rain soon. she insisted to take bus, cause she seldom get to take bus and she starts throwing tantrum. Thinking of saving money also, decided to take bus then. It was raining heavily and the traffic was so slow and I know we are going to miss the school bus. Alight the bus, it's already 8.25am, by the time we walk across the overhead bridge, the bus may already left. I have to carry Amabel with two heavy haversack (my breastpumps and my girl's schoolbag) on both my shoulders. No joke, it damn heavy. Especially with one hand holding on to umbrella and the other hand carrying Amabel. It is quite a long distance and when I get up the overhead bridge, I already half exhausted. Amabel kept going to slid down and the umbrella is already swaying. Lol~ Some peoples looks at us, like we're very kelian like that. Many taxi driver after seeing me this kind of working mom, always said the same thing. Just recently, having a long chat with a taxi driver. I told him sometime I really have no choice but to take taxi almost every morning, 跟时间赛跑. As I can only get to shower then to bed late at night after putting my kids to bed, if I need some private time to do my own stuff like surfing net, I have to sacrifice my sleep. So most of the time, I cannot get out of bed in time in the morning. Early in the morning, I still need to pump milk, prepare my girl to school while the maid taking care of the younger one. If my girls throw tantrum, everything will be delay by them. So most of the time I am like racing with time, especially in the morning, cause I can't miss the school if not I will be late for work and waste even more $$ to take cab send my girl to school directly and then back to office again. After he heard about my woes, he start feeling 心酸 for me. and start saying a lot of comments "像你这样的职业妇怒,更不容易。 要面对工作的压力, 家庭的压力, 还有maid的压力。 每天还要像你这样为孩子而赶还赶去。 大包小包,看你脸青青。真辛苦。" Hubby said want to send Aisleyne to childcare for half day in the childcare center nearby our new place when she turns 2 years old so at least she can learn something in school The maid will then be the one to bring Aisleyne to and fro the school, at home doing housework and cook for the kids. But I want her to be in the same childcare (near my company) for full day with her sister, at least 有个伴。 The main concern is I not very comfortable with maid fetching the kid. 我辛苦一点不要紧。 no choice, they are my kids is my responsible. I got to do my best for them. Getting even more hungry now, can't wait to have my breakfast. that's all for today. Labels: My Mommy's lifestyle |
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