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date: Saturday, September 05, 2009
time : 3:19 AM

"Grabbing Game" | Happy (Chinese) Birthday

3 September 09 (lunar 七月十五)
Okay, according to my mom, in the Chinese calendar, Aisleyne is 2 years old now.
She explained the Chinese way of counting the birthdays to me.
So according to the Chinese, a baby is 1 year old when he/she is born because the time the baby is in the womb is counted also.
So, which mean Aisleyne was 1 on 15 August 08 (lunar 七月十五) and turned 2 on 3 September 2009 (lunar 七月十五).

And it is a Chinese custom to playing this multiple-choice test the "grabbing game" with babies on their 1st birthday after borned.
Amabel had it too 2 years back.

We decided to do it at her great-grandma's house, so she can get to see it.
Aisleyne is presented with books, Calligraphy brush and chicken drumstick on the floor to choose. After the items are put up for grabs, all of us just sit back and wait to see what Aisleyne choose.

Will she pick the book? (avid reader), Calligraphy brush? (scholar) or chicken drumstick? (不愁吃).

Wanna give beloved great-grandma a lovely touch and hug

Looking at their great-grandma's photo, I couldn't help to tear, feel sad once again.
I miss her so much.

And now she can start wearing SHOES loh.


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