date: Thursday, March 12, 2009 time : 12:38 AM Stress? Yes Tired? Yes Today Amabel's teacher passed hubby this when he fetch her. Teacher Tuti suggested us to consult a doctor on her behaviour. She has been throwing temper with no reason, get agitated over very small little thing or nothing. Oh at least in school, she is quite well behave, won't scream so much like what she did at home or with us. According to teacher's remarks, she is very independent; can play on her own or with a group. But teacher was quite surprise sometime over her self torture behaviour when she is in anger. She will keep screaming, torturing herself by pulling her hairs, biting herself, fisting. No one can handle her. When people saw her behaviour, they will goes wow *headache*. Am planning to bring her to see child psychologist on behavioural issues , anger management or whatever that is need to help. If not me and my hubby will be goes crazy soon. We should address this soon before it get worst. Think parent-child communication and parenting issues plays apart, I think we maybe the culprit to her such behaviour. So psychologist may help us on this. Hopefully. Labels: Amabel's behaviour, Amabel's character |
2 Comment(s):
hi pretty mummy,
hope everything turn out fine for amabel~
Your daughter may be suffering from ADHD. Do seek help when your child is still developing, better for you and your family in the long run.
Please take care of yourself too.