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date: Friday, April 25, 2008
time : 5:45 PM

Baby Abdomen's Massage

Constant crying is a normal occurrence in newborns. Colic is one of the most common reported ailments in infants aged 3 weeks to about 3 or 4 months. Extended periods of loud crying lasting longer than an hour are trademarks of the ailment, and are most frequent after being fed or late into the evenings.

What causes gas in infants?
1. Swallowed air
Swallowed air is the most common cause of gas in the stomach and is the major reason for burping. Swallowing some air is unavoidable. Big and small alike, we all swallow air. Infants swallow air…
• During breast or bottle feeding - Eating or drinking quickly greatly increases the amount of air swallowed.
• While eating solid foods.
• During episodes of intense crying.
• When swallowing saliva.
• While vigorously sucking on a pacifier.
In a breast feed infant, swallowing large amounts of air may be linked to a poor latch-on and/or a fast and plentiful supply of breast milk. In a bottle fed infant, swallowing large amounts of air may be due to an unsuitable feeding teat.

2. Normal digestion
Acid produced in the stomach is neutralized by pancreatic secretions as it passes into the intestines (bowel) and the resulting interaction creates gas as a by-product. Some of this gas is absorbed into the blood stream and exhaled out of the lungs. The rest of the gas will continue through the bowel and is passed as flatus.

3. Incomplete breakdown of milk or food
A small number of babies may experience excessive gas (along with many of the other symptoms associated with gas) due to an inability to adequately digest one or more of the proteins and/or carbohydrates (sugar and starches) found in milk (including infant formula), juices and/or some foods. This is due to insufficient production of particular digestive enzymes, believed to be related to an immaturity of an infant’s digestive tract.

Technique in Massaging Infant’s Abdomen

Very important
* It must be extremely gently. No large strength is need. Just place your hand on the skin surface and gently stroke.
* You may want to use a little massage oil or lotion on your hands before beginning. For me I don’t use anything since is just a very gentle abdomen massage on the baby skin surface which don’t need rubbing.

I always do in the following sequence;

1.) Paddlewheel
Use both your hands (palm and fingers) lying flat starting on the upper part of the stomach. Move in clockwise motion for both hand; right hand move to form a half circle (start at the upper stomach and end at the lower part of the stomach) lift up and place back to the starting point and repeat, whereas left hand continuously always move clockwise in full circle (no stop). X 5 times
This motion will move the gas around, making it easier to pass for the infant.

2.) Long strokes.
Place your palm on the infant’s chest, with fingers of each hand pointing towards the opposite of the child's shoulder. Draw one of the hands downward along the stomach, towards their diaper, follow by another hand. Repeat with slow, gentle motions. X 5 times

3.) I LOVE YOU Strokes
Use one of your hands. For me I’m right-handed so use my right hand.
To draw a ‘I’; Place your hand on the upper center stomach, draw downward along the stomach towards the baby’s diaper (this form a ‘I’ to the baby and you)
To draw a ‘L’; Place your hand on the upper right side of the baby’s stomach, draw horizontally to the center of the baby stomach and draw down to their diaper. (This form a ‘L’ to the baby, but your direction it will be a inverted ‘L’ or it is a ‘7’ to you)
To draw a ‘U’; Place your hand on the lower right side of the baby’s stomach, draw a inverted ‘U’ (to baby it is a “U”) toward the upper center to the lower left side of the baby’s stomach.
As I stroke, I said ‘I’, ‘Love’ You’ to my girl in soft tone. For my maid I don’t ask her to say that. Lol~ Do this 5 times.

4.) Bubble Tapping
Use one of your hands; tap your fingers continuously in a clockwise circular motion on the baby’s stomach. This will break the bubble in the baby’s stomach. X 5 times

5.) Pooing Method
Gently grab your baby both legs in each hand. Place your infant's heel next to their bottom by bending the knee. With the leg still bent, move the thigh towards their stomach until it rests on their tummy. Must be gently!! Move the other leg to this position as well. Slowly and carefully move the legs in a bicycle pattern. The infant may be confused at first, but they grow to love it. X 5 times.
Usually this step; Amabel will fart!!

6.) Sway Side to Side
Carry the baby by their armpit/chest with your hands; sway the baby side by side (to the left then right) in slow and gentle motion x 3 times. Then place the baby on your lap, with your hand griped the baby over their chest. Pad her back and burp her. If I do this after milk feed. Amabel always burp within 3minutes. I used to take about 15minute to get her burp if not she won’t burp. Until I used this method, she burps.

This is enough to encourage a healthy digestive system, ease symptoms of colic, and promote a quiet and restful evening.

** I always do this after her milk feed to get her to burp and digest well. If not will be whenever her abdomen is bloated.
** Do not massage your baby’s abdomen if he/she has hiccups.

The videos taken above is when I am in my office, so I can only use a cushion to act as a baby abdomen. Because is too rush in taking the video and no one is helping so I cannot concentrate in counting the number of times I do for each method and the strength I use is a bit harsh lah.
Sorry is the video not clear enough cause I'm using my mobile to take it.

This is how I burp baby ...
There are a number of different ways you can assist your baby to burp.

With all burping methods you need to hold your baby in a upright or semi-upright position

Babies often bring up a little milk with a burp, so it may be helpful to have a burping cloth, cloth diaper or towel handy. If your baby often spits up large amounts of milk, suggested the burping method like; over your shoulder or on your knee, which will keep her in an upright position but apply less pressure to her tummy.

1. Over your shoulder
Hold your baby in an upright position against your chest, with her head resting on your shoulder. Gently cup and pat the baby’s back or cup and pat using a upward motion.

2. On your knee
Sit your baby sideways on your knee. Support her head by placing your thumb and index finger under her jaw just below her ears. (Take care your hand is not pressing against her neck). Lean her forward slightly, resting her tummy against the heel of your hand. Gently cup and pat or cup and pat the baby’s back using a upward motion using your free hand

3. Over your knee
Lay your baby face down over your crossed legs. Position her so that your upper leg provides gentle pressure to her tummy. Support her head with one hand and pat or rub her back with your other.
I saw this method when at my hospital stay in TMC, the nurse is doing this to my girl when burping her, but I don’t feel comfortable with this method

Something to share also ...
If your baby is suffering from constipation. After the bath or early in the morning when the baby wake up, grab your baby leg up a bit and move the leg in a circular motion clockwise 10 times and do this the same for the other leg. Hold the other leg up again and move in anti-clockwise 10 times and do the same for another leg. Just that simple to soften the stool and get the baby to pass motion though not immediate effect.

Hope I explained it clear as I am writing this in a rush.

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