date: Sunday, February 24, 2008 time : 1:47 PM Yesterday bring Amabel for her last lesson for the first term. Signed her up for Gifted Tots for the 2nd term @ the price $350+ for abt 8 lessons. It really expensive to raise up a kid. Sz, hui and MQ (she bring Ethan with her family), came to meet me at U.Square. But MQ never join us for a shopping at Orchard. At Mosburger, going to tabao food back to MQ's house. Hubbies are at her place playing MJ. Amabel Faint! My face damn big and chubby. Complexion is terrible. Dark circle getting even worst. 眼睛無神。 I chopped away 3 inches of my hair cos kanna the oil paint in the office. And I inhaled a day of the oil paint. Hope it won't affect the baby. Sian... Labels: My Gallery, Shopping |
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