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date: Thursday, November 01, 2007
time : 6:36 PM

Amabel has been eating brown rice since she start eating porridge. I added it together with the japanese rice in the slow cooker with hot water for at least 2hrs.
I have stop grinding the Jap rice since she's one year old. As brown rice is more difficult to cook till very soft, I'll still continue grinding it into powder till she can chew well.

I have been using this organic brown rice recommended by a Mommy

I topup again yestersday. This is actually how I did it.

1. Wash the brown rice till the water is clear

2. Fry to make the rice dry for grinding (once it is dry remove from stove, if not it will turn brown or you can choose to use the old traditional way of sunning the rice -> which i don't like the way cause I feel that it is dirty, the dust or whatever flies will get in it)
3. Wait until the brown rice not so hot

4. then grind the brown rice.... (using a heavy duty grinder)

until it look like this -> powder

and can transfer to a clean airtight container for storage (if want to store longer can keep in the fridge)

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