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title: A Traumatic Dream on Breastfeeding
date: Monday, October 15, 2007
time : 5:45 PM

I got to blog on this. It's such a trauma to me. I feel so lost, anxiety and sad.

I had my 2nd delivery and I don't know what had happened. I NEVER BREASTFEED THE BABY. Until almost 3 month later I discovered that I have never been breastfeeding my child. I suddenly feel so lost and keep thinking what's going on and what the hell I am doing. How can I not breastfeed my child. I find ways to produce breastmilk again. That feeling is indescribable. Even when I woke up from the dream, I still feel so lost and sad. I almost cry!

Maybe is due to that I kept thinking that it's a sin to stop breastfeeding Amabel after she turned 1, and had me with this bad dream. I will surely makeup to Amabel when I breastfeeding my 2nd child. Hope by that time she will still like the taste of BREASTMILK.

I still miss and love breastfeeding my girl, albeit mentally and physically fatigue


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