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title: Chickenpox Vaccine
date: Monday, October 15, 2007
time : 11:09 PM

You are today 1yr 1mth 25days old.

Went for your chickenpox vaccine just now. As usual, do the weight and height measurement, you are now 8.5kg, standing 78cm and with head OFC measuring 47cm. Dr Edmund never mentioned anything about your weight like last time anytime anymore, so I think he is statisfied with your weight now. This time round, you feel the pain and cried. You're still brave cause you just cried for a short while only. Before Doc inject you, he asked me and the maid must hold you very very tightly, not to let you move, if not you will feel the pain even more. I am surprised why he said that then he added "Amabel is so strong, must hold very tight to prevent her from struggling when injecting" haha! even the Doc knows that. He also prescribed some medications for your trip to Genting, just in case you fall sick over there.


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