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title: Saving the Mother Earth... begins with me
date: Wednesday, October 24, 2007
time : 10:02 AM

Hubby always complaining that I have been wasting alot of resources.

I really think I got to show a good example to baby Amabel.

A simple change can create a huge impact to the environment: Slow down climate change and conserve our natural resources.

1) I shall SAVE WATER by shorten the time I spend on shower and wash up (cleaning face, brushing teeth) .
2) I shall SAVE ELECTRICITY by i) not switching on multiple lighting, ii) kicking the habit of switching on the light during day time while in the walk-in-wardrode.
3) I shall SWITCH OFF all the electronic items and not letting them be on stand by mode.
4) I shall NOT TURN ON the air-con and fan for whole day.
5) I shall RECYCLE and REUSE water and anything I can.
6) I shall NOT USE tissue paper but face towel / handkerchief.
7) I shall REDUCE the usage of tissue paper or paper etc
7) I shall BRINGS OWN SHOPPING BAG and say NO to plastic bags.
9) I shall NOT THROW away those old newspapers and magazines in the bin but sell it to galang guni.

But will I be able to? Perhap Baby bel can.


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