title: What's wrong with skinny baby?
date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 time : 9:10 PM A mother has been frustrating about other people commenting her child not gaining much weight. "Another gripe i did mention is about other people commenting that she is skinny lah or that she lost weight...it made me even more frustrated not becoz i WANT a FATTY baby....but its becoz i think its just damn rude for people to make such comments, etc...to me, its like saying that i've been starving her or i neglected her...To them, feeding baby is a walk in the park, for me its like WORLD WAR 3!!!! " by a mother of a 9kg plus baby at 1 year old I could really understand her frustration, cause I was once feeling that way too. I really learnt to accept those remarks and don't take it to heart. As long as Amabel has been proving to me that she is STRONG and HEALTHY compare to chubby/fat babies, I will let her be. I personally feel that weight doesn't mean everything at all as long as the baby is still active, happy and strong. If that mother is to worry about her child's weight. Then I need to be more worry about Amabel's weight right. Amabel is only 7.8kg at 1 year old, not even triple of her birth weight - 3.005kg. But I had learnt to not worry about her weight anymore. Sometime genetic factors may predispose a human beings to certain metabolic. Like me, I eat like mad but I still so slim and healthy, so perhaps Amabel also same as me having high metabolic weight. Her development is so far very good, she always surprise me with her rapid learning skill. A lot of my friends and my parent commented she is very clever and although she is skinny but still healthy and so strong. Amabel can even push down a 4 year old boy and won a snatching war from him. So what is the reason for me to worry, she already proven to me everything. As for feeding Amabel, sometimes can really vomit blood, cause she always need something to entertain her, if not she will fuss and cry. Give her a toy to play whilst feeding, not in awhile time, she is bored of it already. Need to keep changing toy for her. Sometimes she will cry just because no toy fancy her anymore and when she is crying with her mouth open, I will find chances to stuff the spoon inside her mouth. wahaha.. yaya I know is no good but she still eat those mouthful of food. She's still hungry lah, is just that she got no new toy to play with and start fussing and rebel against eating. And... and... Amabel is entering another milestone. Nowadays Amabel starts learning to walk, though still a bit wobbly, but she is improving everyday. She can also said it out Overall, she is growing pretty well. Contented Labels: Growth: Weight and Height, Meal Time, Milestone, Skills, Walking 1 Comments:
1 Comment(s):
Good spirit Eling! That's a sign of motherly love from you defending for Bel! WAY TO GO!!