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title: "The benefits of breastfeeding are dose-dependent"
date: Friday, September 15, 2006
time : 3:56 PM

The moment I had confirmation of my pregnancy, I decided that I would breastfeed. Breastfeeding started off well after delivery. Taking care of my Baby Amabel was a breeze during the first 3 days in the hospital since you slept most of the time. After returning home, you were much awake, with nursing intervals of 2 to 3 hours, and each feeding lasting up to half an hour or more, I really felt like a milk dispenser or a cow (moo moo...), working round the clock to satisfy your insatiable hunger pangs. Being worried that my milk cannot satisfy you as you only willing to latch on for less than 10 mins and reject my nipple (think is due to incorrect latching position), I decided to start expressing out the milk and bottle feed you when you are not having enough. As each feeding stimulates your bladder and bowel movements, I was practically doing nothing but nursing/feeding, washing pump equipment, sterilizing bottles and changing nappies all the time! Now I am still trying to nurse you directly as many times as possible as I don’t want to lose the opportunity of creating a special bond with you. This feeding pattern led Daddy and your grandma to quickly suggest that I supplement you with formula. Their reasons ranged from "are you sure you have enough milk?", "your breastmilk is too watery to satisfy your baby's hunger", "formula-fed babies sleep better and you will get to sleep more"... So far you are a healthy girl. I believed what others said "The benefits of breastfeeding are dose-dependent, therefore the longer one breastfeeds, the more benefits one will get!"

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