date: Friday, September 01, 2006 time : 2:45 PM 19 August 06 (38 week) Went for my weekly scan. I were strapped to a CTG monitor and Dr Khi also did a virginal check on me and i'm now 1cm dilated already. She estimated that you will be out in one week time. After the visit, i started to have a mild contraction pain with backache throughout the day. The contraction came every 20 to 30 minutes. Since there is no abnormal discharge, bleeding or waterbag burst, i thought should be just a normal Baxtor Hicker contraction. 20 August 06 (38 week 2 day) The contraction pain and backache continued but not that intense, being worried that something may happan to my baby. I decided to go to Dr Khi clinic the next day. ![]() Daddy called Dr Khi and told her my condition, she advice me to go to her clinic for a check. Reached TMC at 9am and the nurse strapped on the CTG for me again. Your heartbeat is normal and it shown that i am having a real contraction. Dr Khi then do a virginal check for me and i'm now 2.5cm dilated at 9.54am already. Dr Khi said that i may deliver today or the next day and asked whether i want to admit today since i 'm already here and she will burst the waterbag for me. We agreed and your Daddy went to his car to get my hospital bag. We do the admission at 10.14am. I were asked to change into a surgery gown, being shaved and had a enema to clear bowel. Put on the CTG and then the drip. Dr Khi came to burst my waterbag at 11.15am and i felt a gush of water flushing out. Not more then half an hour, i started to have the contraction pain and backache very frequent. Then the contraction pain reached the peak at every 2 minutes and the contraction pain started to last longer. I put on laughing gas but it doesnt seem to work for me now. Nurse came to check on me and i'm 4cm dilated and gave me a buttock injection to minimise the pain, but inject like never inject, it still pain like hell. After that i were pushed to the labor ward and the nurse came to check again and i am 6cm dilated liao. The nurse started to prepare the labor equipment and call Dr Khi. Amabel seems to be very anxious to see the world, kept wanting to come out, like i'm having the urge to pass motion. Were told not to push lat this moment as my cervix not yet 10cm diluted. Finally 10cm diluted and Dr Khi was here too. I were told to start pushing during every contraction. Can't remember after how many push then you arrived to this world. The nurse then immediately put you on my chest. Felt so relieve and happy that you are born healthy. Overall, the whole process is enjoyable, is just that I couldn't endure the hottest. I even needs Hubby to use papers to fan at me throughout it; from contractions till delivery. The hottest is so scary, even worst than the pain. ![]() ![]() ![]() This is your Birth Certificate we gotten today. Daddy rushed down to TMC to have your birth registered. Daddy commented that he has very lousy hand writting, and he managed to get a staff at TMC to write your Chinese name in your birth certificate. Everyone commented that your chinese name was very nicely written. Really thankful to the staff. ![]() 28 August 06 (Amabel Eight days old) Went for the PD and gynae visit at TMC. Dr Khi said that my stitches is very nice and i recovered quite fast, She scanned my womb and there is still some blood not clear out yet. Think will take another 1 week time. You have gained your weight to 3.085kg. When Dr Keoy SS do a check on you and found that your cord had dropped off. Were told to kept it as old people said cord in hokkien is call 'Cai (money)'. Haha! and of course thanks to it that you are well fed for 38 weeks and three day in mummy's womb Labels: 3rd Trimester, Delivery, Growth: Weight and Height, Gynae checkup, Pregnancy |
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