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title: Working housewife // Age that children start dreaming
date: Thursday, October 18, 2012
time : 12:02 AM

Settled everythings and right now is 11.30pm, shall get into slumberland by 12 after this. Thanks god that I'm a person who can asleep within a min. Were really very busy everyday once I step into the house after work. Put down my bag, told my girls to wash their legs and unpack their own bag. Not even change and I have to rush to kitchen immediately to cook. Sometime urgent need to pee also don't feel like going to toilet first but rather to cook first, just wanna get ready the food fast for the kids to eat. Just changed a little on the routine recently, hoping I can get the kids ready to bed earlier. So whilst waiting for the food to cool down abit, me or hus will bathe for the kids first rather than >half an hour after their meal. Hus has been very helpful, so we are now rotating to shower for them. But I shall take back the job again since it seems like I can better arrange the work now and Amabel was pretty big girl now, shouldn't have Daddy to help bathe her, even though she cleans her own private area. Amabel at 6 now and actually should be perfectly capable of showering herself! Some days or weekend if time allows, I will usually shower together with them, playing alittle water with them to make their bathtime fun.

Get them ready for dinner and I will go back to do all the washing of cookware, kitchen, floor whilst supervise the kids eating, without fail I got to keep nagging and warning them not to play with each other whilst having meal. Then have to wash milk bottle or washing clothes, and prepare the kids' school bag for next day. Some days, we have to teach the girl homework, spelling and supplementary assessments. Get the kids to clear and keep their toys and all their books and stationery (they love drawing too). Change them to pajamas and prepare the milk for them, guide and then help brushing their teeth and choo them to bed. I will then go to bathe if have not then out to hang the clothes, inspect everywhere, surf awhile net and headed to bed. Fully utilize my time!! in fact really not enough time for me. I desperately in need of sleep.

But just now, Hus did say something that make me wanna fly lol~ Whilst I'm sorting the clothes to wash after busy with other housechores. He said:" 我这个老婆没话讲,进得了厨房,出得了厅堂。even my mil said that, which is very encouraging. At least, what I do is appreciated by my close one. I don't even care to tell other outsiders how much I have done, how well I have done etc by broadcast everywhere, in twitter, in Facebook, in Instagram ample times the same old story on how much I did for family, really meaningless. I only need my family to know I have been trying my best to do the best. I just want my kids to know how much we went through handling them if one day they are reading back my blog posts. 😁

Shocked to see my bff's photo post in instagram, the Paparazzi...secretly took this pic of us this morning. lol~ messy us early in the morning!! We are alway rushing with time!

well said !!
*** Never under-estimated a capability of any woman in manageable of the career and family.***

Walk a mile in someone else shoes before you try to judge their journey!! I know there is someone out there, always trying to bring down 'working moms' and those who have helpers with low EQ kind of words to show others how great she is compare to those. If you encounter such person, ignore them, cause it only show others how insecure this person is.

Pick the girls up from their bus-stop at my company after work just now. As usual, on the way walking to take our transport home, Amabel will start telling me what she did and what interesting thing happened in the school. She told me she had a bad dream whilst napping in school and started describing the scenes in the dream. She started report to us and has been telling us what she had dreamed when she is 5+ . That's when I started searching online about 'The age that children start dreaming' and I read this very interesting research finding which I bookmarked sometime back...

"Dreams and Rapid Eye Movement -
Humans have always been recounting and remarking about their dreams. In 1953 a brain wave sequence we now know as R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) sleep was discovered and directly associated with dreaming.

During REM sleep the brain is very active, the body is still, and the eyes move about quickly. This is dreaming. Dreams seem to be a type of information and event distribution process within our brains. They incorporate information, and "make new connections in our brains". As adults, only about 20% of sleep is spent dreaming.

Infant Dreams -
In 1966 Roffwarg and associates began a study intending to discover what newborn sleep waves looked like. It was initially believed that infants don't dream at all. When they began studying the sleep waves in newborn babies they made an astounding discovery. Not only do newborns have dream as early as in their first day, but they dream more during their first 2 weeks than at any other point in life.

Babies begin sleeping as early as 4 weeks of gestational age (Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1975; 38:175). REM sleep waves have been observed at as early as 28 weeks, and REM sleep waves accompanied by the eye movements of dreams have been observed at 30 weeks. (Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine in the Child, WB Saunders, 1995). In the uterus, babies are likely dreaming about the muted light they see, and the sounds they hear. After birth, perhaps they are dreaming of their new sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and even textures. They may even dream about the trauma of birth.

These studies have been repeated several times, supporting and extending the existing knowledge. It is now known that infants aged 3 to 5 months dream more than 6 to 12 month olds. An 18 month old will dream almost twice as much as a 3 year old, and "by age 3, the amount of time spent dreaming per night is in about the same range as that of young adults." This is also the age when most children start making remarks about their dreams.

We as adults "may dream more during the day than we do at night". As previously mentioned, "when we sleep, we only dream about 20% of the time". When we aren't dreaming, our brains are resting. "Growing evidence suggests that we have real dreams all day long, but these daytime dreams aren't noticed because of the "loudness" of our senses and conscious thinking."

Do Babies Have Nightmares? -
Though not enjoyable, nightmares are needed to address difficult events and/or emotions for adults. They also incorporate these feelings or experiences into our minds in constructively. Nightmares may also occur in infancy to help babies deal with stressful events such as recieving injections, being circumcised, feeling alone, hungry, and possible even birth. Traumatic events in life have been known to cause a predictable progression of sequential nightmares in adults and young children, so who is to say that babies don't have nightmares as well?

We know from older children have nightmares commonly following surgery, having teeth pulled, or car accidents. Knowing how much young babies dream and how often they wake up crying, it is illogical that all of their dreams are happy ones. Birth for a baby is undoubtedly a traumatic experience. All of a sudden they are cold, it is bright, all of the comforting noises from inside are gone, and the once muffled voices and sounds from the outside world are loud and sharp.

When adults and young children have nightmares they first have dreams that relive the event. Then, they dreams that relive only the initial emotion felt at the time of the event, but using a variety of situations. Lastly dreams that merge only certain parts of the event into other parts of life occur. Nightmares are believed most common between 3 and 5 years of age, which also happens to be the peak age for fears.

Perhaps the next night your baby wakes several times for reasons unknown and seems inconsolable, the answer is in their dreams."

Have you ever thought that your baby might be dreaming? What made you think this?

Source: http://frederictonmomsandbabies.blogspot.sg/2007/02/do-babies-dream_16.html?m=1

My two missy princesses
photo credit: bff, weishan

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1 Comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

U r super mummy lah!


Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:36:00 AM  

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

U r super mummy lah!


Saturday, October 20, 2012 7:36:00 AM  

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