title: To have short fringe?
date: Monday, November 15, 2010 time : 1:17 AM Self-created fringe...lol~ so does it suit me more?! booked appointment to do soft rebonding, is a home salon. Hope it is really good like what others review. ;) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 5 Comments:
5 Comment(s):
hiya..is dat a iphone4 u using? may i know where did u get ur chanel case? thanks in advance if you can share:)
hi elli,
yes iphone4. The casing I did it myself, actually only 99% completely hehe.
wow..datz nice..thanks for sharing:)
Hi apple, check with u what size of crystal u using? As for the casing u get normal casing? Thanks me thinking of doing crystal one with the chanel logo easier...
anonymous, sorry for the late reply. Have been busy with work. The size I get is size10 for the silver crystal, size 10, 8 and 5 for the jet colour crystal. For the casing I get the normal one from digiskin.