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title: Tapeworm
date: Thursday, September 16, 2010
time : 2:47 PM

Are you of those like me who has gigantic appetite, have been eating and eating in huge portion yet doesn't put on any weight?

Tapeworm ads

We're talking about it again during my lunch with my colleague, they always suspected I  housed one in my stomach. I getting more curious when they described on how disgusting it look like. And my colleague started to Google it using my iphone and told me how this worm do it's job (she study about this before! Once it anchored to the host's intestinal wall, the tapeworm absorbs nutrients through its skin as the food being digested by the host flows past it and it begins to grow a long tail, with each segment containing an independent digestive system and reproductive tract.). Oh my god... I can't imagine this disgusting tapeworm is happily raised up in my stomach.

I feel like crying now, I very worry I really have this. My colleague told me I can try to eat the medication that is use to wash out this huge and long tapeworm. If there is nothing, mean I don't have. But if really have, I think i will faint upon seeing this flush out of my anus. argh............

Shall I try or consult a doctor for a test??? though i know, couldn't be possible that i had any chance to get infected with this  :(

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2 Comment(s):

Anonymous WaveSurfer said...

I suggest seeing the doctor first before doing anything. Risky to make medication before finding out the truth.

All the best!

Monday, September 20, 2010 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yah I do check put with my doctor friend, I don't really have the classic symptoms.

1) There is no white coloured things, like oblong shaped, abt 0.5 cm to 1 cm in size in the stool
2) No Anus itchness
3) Not losing weight

The indirect way to check is a blood test, but having a positive blood test doesn't mean you have the infestation, it only suggest a possible infestation. The direct way is send stool for microscopy.

Instead he suggested to test my thyroid function and maybe blood sugar, it might be the cause of your inability to gain weight rather than tapeworms(so I may go for this test when I'm free). Tapeworms is very uncommon in SGP, unless living in a farm. It was prevalent in the past, when pple had to manually carry the faeces to the dungpool (imagine those 1960's tv drama).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:41:00 AM  

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Anonymous WaveSurfer said...

I suggest seeing the doctor first before doing anything. Risky to make medication before finding out the truth.

All the best!

Monday, September 20, 2010 11:08:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yah I do check put with my doctor friend, I don't really have the classic symptoms.

1) There is no white coloured things, like oblong shaped, abt 0.5 cm to 1 cm in size in the stool
2) No Anus itchness
3) Not losing weight

The indirect way to check is a blood test, but having a positive blood test doesn't mean you have the infestation, it only suggest a possible infestation. The direct way is send stool for microscopy.

Instead he suggested to test my thyroid function and maybe blood sugar, it might be the cause of your inability to gain weight rather than tapeworms(so I may go for this test when I'm free). Tapeworms is very uncommon in SGP, unless living in a farm. It was prevalent in the past, when pple had to manually carry the faeces to the dungpool (imagine those 1960's tv drama).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:41:00 AM  

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