★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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title: Life without maid!
date: Sunday, June 13, 2010
time : 4:43 PM

Fell asleep while breastfeeding small A. Suddenly came awake, I still have so much things to do, wash bottle, prepare the dinner, clean the house and wash the clothes, bathe them, list goes on...

Brought both girls to wet market to get their meals ingredients and I cooked Huai Shan (dioscroea opposita) soup with rice for my girls for today lunch. Running between kitchen and living room is no joke. Life without maid; likes crazy housewife.

My girls finished all their portion of food. :) Coaxing children to eat is not fun, must keep asking them to chew and they will tend to mess up the whole area if you let them self-feed. Even if we feed them, it will still be alittle food dropping here and there. Mopped the floor after feeding them then I had to clean the kitchen and wash the utensil. No time to rest at all, even wanna pee also no time. I had to keep going over to living room to check on them while in kitchen cleaning. They always fight, none wanna give a step and Aisleyne is super itchy hands, can mess up the whole house. Have to be very alert when taking care both. Just now I saw a very funny scene; haha I saw Aisleyne raised up her fist, angrily chasing after her jiejie, want to beat her whilst Amabel is crying for help. Haha really don't to laugh or angry and I bring out my cane, disciplined Aisleyne. *really headache*

But glads that I survived taking care my girls and housework without anyone help. No dirty house, no dirty child! I taking care well everything *A pat on my back*

I'm right now having my meal while blogging here before getting busy again. Both girls are asleep, so I can concentrate doing some work.

Time to get start again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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8 Comment(s):

Blogger daphneric said...

Good job! I'm alone taking care of my super active boy + doing housework + cook already make me going to ki siao! It's really very tiring but after everything is completed, you feel GREAT about it right! Heeee.... jiayou!! (: Loves reading your blog, making me feel happy! hahaha...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 3:04:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

daphneric thanks, so you are a SAHM? You're right, that's the feeling I want too, the fulfilment. At least I feel that, I do the FULL JOB of a mother cause I am a working mom. I got no choice so sometime, I do feel bad, cos I can't cook as I like for my girls so have to leave it to maid (esp weekday). So while without maid, no matter how busy I am, how tired I am, I will still want to cook for my girls. I want my kids to eat meal that is cooked by me. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi apple. Can u teach me how u prepare your food right after u work and u pick them up from school u got enough time???? Or u prepare in the morning???

Friday, June 18, 2010 7:52:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous, by the time we reach home is about 7pm or later, so my kids can only have their dinner at 7.30pm or 8pm. No choice! I don't leave my food cooking in slow cooker throughout the daytime, first it is very dangerous, secondly I don't want the food to be cook for so long, all the nutrient gone thru long cooking hour, so like that no point right.

For me, to be fast, usually I
1)cook porridge + veggies + meat/fish in a pot
2)make stock during weekend then I use the stock to cook noodle/kuay tiao soup for them
3)cook fish soup (which will only take 20 to 30 mins with white japanese rice
4)steam tofu with white fish with white japanese rice which make an dishes which only take 15 mins
5)pumpkin rice also take can the cook rice time.

If really no time, I will give instant porridge from pigeon (but this is only when emergency)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks thanks. Wow u have help me alot. But what is Japanese white rice??? Different from our normal adult rice?!!? U gave your kids Japanese white rice???

For the porridge. When the rice is cooked then just throw all the ingredients in right??? How long do you cook so that it will got "taste"???

I remember u cook the pork rib soup when ur maid is not ard. Must be very nice. How do u prepare that after your work???

Thanks for your valuable reply.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger daphneric said...

Currently I'm stil a sahm... Maybe gg work soon... Though financially nt v stable yet I hv nobody to help me look after my baby. Plus he is really very sticky to me.. Hahaha.. He nv see me he will cry. I walk 5 steps away he also cry.. Separation anxiety!!!! Lolz! I've been so busy w him till I hardly can use my laptop thus lack of update in my blog... Gg to grow cobwebs soon! Hahaha

Friday, June 25, 2010 3:10:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous, no lah is the same white rice. Just that I chose japanese rice for my kids because Japanese rice are more nutritious. They have been eating japanese rice since they started on rice. For porridge, usually i add stock to cook it so it will be more tasty and nice. most important dont overcook the veggies; leafy veggies and veggies like broccoli should be cooked quickly so wont lose too much of it nutrient cause they are easily cooked food.
The pork rib soup, i don't prepare it during weekday if you refer back to my post date. I cooked it in weekend cause it require long cooking hour.
I recommended you my friend food journal http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/. You can find a lot of resource and recipes for children in her blog. Hope it do help you!

dapheric, oh then that is not easy for you. *hard on you le, a pat on your back* but sometime you got to let them cry, no choice, cannot alway pamper him and let this become a habit of having you with him for 24 hours if not future will be difficult for you and him, especially if he need to go childcare or school.

Friday, June 25, 2010 10:13:00 AM  
Blogger daphneric said...

It's indeed very xinku.. but i try not to complaint cos next time he wont be so sticky to me le.. heee.. so i try enjoy the stickiness! LOL! I think he is like me.. last time i very sticky to my mum also lor!! until p3 leh!! faintssss... but seriously how to not let him be too sticky??? really hard.. many times i try le since he 5mths old.... i let him cry so much then night time he slp till cry leh.. then he scare... ): he looks not timid but he actually quite timid leh... his attitude like me lor! wahahaa...

Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:48:00 AM  

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Blogger daphneric said...

Good job! I'm alone taking care of my super active boy + doing housework + cook already make me going to ki siao! It's really very tiring but after everything is completed, you feel GREAT about it right! Heeee.... jiayou!! (: Loves reading your blog, making me feel happy! hahaha...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 3:04:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

daphneric thanks, so you are a SAHM? You're right, that's the feeling I want too, the fulfilment. At least I feel that, I do the FULL JOB of a mother cause I am a working mom. I got no choice so sometime, I do feel bad, cos I can't cook as I like for my girls so have to leave it to maid (esp weekday). So while without maid, no matter how busy I am, how tired I am, I will still want to cook for my girls. I want my kids to eat meal that is cooked by me. :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi apple. Can u teach me how u prepare your food right after u work and u pick them up from school u got enough time???? Or u prepare in the morning???

Friday, June 18, 2010 7:52:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous, by the time we reach home is about 7pm or later, so my kids can only have their dinner at 7.30pm or 8pm. No choice! I don't leave my food cooking in slow cooker throughout the daytime, first it is very dangerous, secondly I don't want the food to be cook for so long, all the nutrient gone thru long cooking hour, so like that no point right.

For me, to be fast, usually I
1)cook porridge + veggies + meat/fish in a pot
2)make stock during weekend then I use the stock to cook noodle/kuay tiao soup for them
3)cook fish soup (which will only take 20 to 30 mins with white japanese rice
4)steam tofu with white fish with white japanese rice which make an dishes which only take 15 mins
5)pumpkin rice also take can the cook rice time.

If really no time, I will give instant porridge from pigeon (but this is only when emergency)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks thanks. Wow u have help me alot. But what is Japanese white rice??? Different from our normal adult rice?!!? U gave your kids Japanese white rice???

For the porridge. When the rice is cooked then just throw all the ingredients in right??? How long do you cook so that it will got "taste"???

I remember u cook the pork rib soup when ur maid is not ard. Must be very nice. How do u prepare that after your work???

Thanks for your valuable reply.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger daphneric said...

Currently I'm stil a sahm... Maybe gg work soon... Though financially nt v stable yet I hv nobody to help me look after my baby. Plus he is really very sticky to me.. Hahaha.. He nv see me he will cry. I walk 5 steps away he also cry.. Separation anxiety!!!! Lolz! I've been so busy w him till I hardly can use my laptop thus lack of update in my blog... Gg to grow cobwebs soon! Hahaha

Friday, June 25, 2010 3:10:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Anonymous, no lah is the same white rice. Just that I chose japanese rice for my kids because Japanese rice are more nutritious. They have been eating japanese rice since they started on rice. For porridge, usually i add stock to cook it so it will be more tasty and nice. most important dont overcook the veggies; leafy veggies and veggies like broccoli should be cooked quickly so wont lose too much of it nutrient cause they are easily cooked food.
The pork rib soup, i don't prepare it during weekday if you refer back to my post date. I cooked it in weekend cause it require long cooking hour.
I recommended you my friend food journal http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/. You can find a lot of resource and recipes for children in her blog. Hope it do help you!

dapheric, oh then that is not easy for you. *hard on you le, a pat on your back* but sometime you got to let them cry, no choice, cannot alway pamper him and let this become a habit of having you with him for 24 hours if not future will be difficult for you and him, especially if he need to go childcare or school.

Friday, June 25, 2010 10:13:00 AM  
Blogger daphneric said...

It's indeed very xinku.. but i try not to complaint cos next time he wont be so sticky to me le.. heee.. so i try enjoy the stickiness! LOL! I think he is like me.. last time i very sticky to my mum also lor!! until p3 leh!! faintssss... but seriously how to not let him be too sticky??? really hard.. many times i try le since he 5mths old.... i let him cry so much then night time he slp till cry leh.. then he scare... ): he looks not timid but he actually quite timid leh... his attitude like me lor! wahahaa...

Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:48:00 AM  

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