★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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title: I'm scared!!
date: Monday, June 21, 2010
time : 5:20 PM

Very funny!
First time I feel I being so useless, like a little timid kid.

Saw a lizard dashing under the suspended washing sink. I'm supposed to wash the utensil and start preparing to cook dinner for the girl last Friday after work. I got frightened and dashed out of the kitchen calling for help. Haha but only Amabel is at home with me, hubby brought Aisleyne out to tabao.

So no choice, I had to ask for a little girl accompany. *blush*

Me *in fear*: "Amabel! Mommy scares... There is LIZARD inside the kitchen. So scary! Can you accompany mommy stay in the kitchen?"

Amabel: "I want to watch cartoon leh"

Me *pleasing*: "Please!! I very scared leh! But I need to cook for you and meimei leh

Amabel: "I also very scare lei!!"

Me: "Please!"

Amabel *drags her feet to kitchen*: Okay!

Me: "The lizard crawled under there to the washing machine there already. Follow me go there wash the pot ok."

*While I'm washing*

Amabel: "Later Daddy comes back, we ask him catch the lizard, and throw the lizard out of the window and the lizard fell down and die"

*conversation about lizard goes on...*

When I'm about to get done with the washing

Amabel: "You washed finish already hor and I can go already right?!"

Me: "Ok!"

Amabel: "No scare ok"

Me: "but I still scare it come out again. Nevermind you can go!"

Call me "TIMID"

And "KIASU"! I bought 15 unit of terrace house for them and this  
for their meals!!


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3 Comment(s):

Blogger daphneric said...

Hahaha I burst out laughing when I saw this picture you die or i die!

Same as me, scared of lizard! I also scare of cockroaches all those.. I just shifted in not long and i suddenly saw a stupid lizard at service yard, I refused to step into kitchen!!! Kept calling my hb to cum hm asap to settle tat stupid lizard.. My legs actually go numb when I see creepy crawlies or pests!! Yuckyyy

Friday, June 25, 2010 3:06:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hehe! girl, me too, scares of all creepy crawlies, but I'm extremely scare of lizards, find them very disgusting. yuck!

Friday, June 25, 2010 9:28:00 AM  
Blogger daphneric said...

Yah man! YUCKYYYY!!! the moment i see it, my legs totally numb!! urgh!! hahahaa..... my hb always laugh at me... he sleep so shiok and i go mop floor at middle of night, i keep kajiao him ask him settle the lizard!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:45:00 AM  

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Blogger daphneric said...

Hahaha I burst out laughing when I saw this picture you die or i die!

Same as me, scared of lizard! I also scare of cockroaches all those.. I just shifted in not long and i suddenly saw a stupid lizard at service yard, I refused to step into kitchen!!! Kept calling my hb to cum hm asap to settle tat stupid lizard.. My legs actually go numb when I see creepy crawlies or pests!! Yuckyyy

Friday, June 25, 2010 3:06:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hehe! girl, me too, scares of all creepy crawlies, but I'm extremely scare of lizards, find them very disgusting. yuck!

Friday, June 25, 2010 9:28:00 AM  
Blogger daphneric said...

Yah man! YUCKYYYY!!! the moment i see it, my legs totally numb!! urgh!! hahahaa..... my hb always laugh at me... he sleep so shiok and i go mop floor at middle of night, i keep kajiao him ask him settle the lizard!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:45:00 AM  

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