date: Sunday, October 18, 2009 time : 4:13 AM Supposed to meet up with Karen, she said she may come to west side. but was then canceled. So long never go town area, just feel like get out of the west. I called up friends asking where they are. haha then decided to meet up with Maggie faster get ready and hub drove us to FEP. I enjoys shopping with Mag, we bought many accessories Kayson pushing Amabel in the pram. I love this cheeky pie, Kaylene Play until hair so messy. Lazy mommy didn't even bother to tie it again. :x I only see her eat and play and eat and play Amabel took this Kayson very smart, actually 假 假 want to take a pic of me but actually he's trying to snap his mom lah. His mommy clever, hide again Mommy playing with kayson Kayson took this again Loh family Quek family Us, glad that I get to know them. It's fate that bring us together. Me and my baobei itchy hand itchy hand, trying to pull my hair again I like ghost she loves putting finger into my mouth Trying the earring I bought 美不美? I love this pics Tried another new earrings one more new earring and hairband. this pic, my complexion look damn nice but it is not, it is just camera effect, my camera is good. many people asking me in facebook and here, what is my secret cause my complexion looks very good in the pics. I am just using good camera, which it will enhance the pic slightly to make the colour look nicer. my complexion not that perfect, if not I won't need to see skin dermatologist liao My big baobei, just finished crying, after punished by me she have a thick lip, like mine. very ugly :( Wow, so late liao. need to wake up at 8am to bring my maid for dental appointment. May meet up with Maggie later again. hehe! *yawn* Night! Labels: My Gallery, My Mommy's lifestyle, Our Activities |
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