title: Kyden Full month celebration @ AMK
date: Monday, October 12, 2009 time : 12:01 AM Amabel is beside me now, watching me blog and expressing milk. hehe! She always like to help me switching on my breastpump motor. Just before I undress myself, she already sitting beside, standby. And she said "Are you ready?" I told her not yet while I placing the pumps. "Here you go" giving the greenlight she said "ok! 1...2...3!" she switched on the motor happily. silly girl. haha Earlier on, I told her I'm going to shower before pumping milk. She then came to the room, saw me still in the room feeding meimei drink milk (meimei is sleeping already) "Mommy, you haven't shower?" "Not yet! Cause need to feed meimei drink milk. You're stink, want to shower?", I replied "Ok, you shower first" "We shower together?" She thinks for awhile And replied "Ok. I wait for you" haha! Now she speak like a 小大人. Kyden Full month celebration @ AMK Ethan likes to play with Amabel 姨姨. Having their dinner. Meeting new friend, her name is Nicole? Struggling, want to go down to walk and join the kids play I love kissing her, hugging her and pinching her cheek. She's just too cute to resist. :P Haha!!!!! Amabel snapped Kyden's daddy Amabel and baby Kyden He have his mom's big eyes. Charming boy! Amabel snapped this shot. She looks at this photo now and point at me in the pic "I love mommy!" Waiting for taxi Crying cause she insisting me to carry her. In 老巴杀. Bought this very nice addidas shoes @ KL Cost about $80+, very expensive in KL but we still decided to buy for her. Bought another pair for Amabel, different design, very expensive too. She loves to eat satay lor, but I limit her. My sweetie pie again Whenever we see her, we wanna laugh. Hungry again. Time for supper and off to bed after that. Labels: Baby Friends, Celebration/party 5 Comments:
5 Comment(s):
Eling u are still looking sooo good as ever!! Wats ur secret?? ;) Somemore juggling work, home and 2 darlings, u still soo radiant!! *envy* Me soooo tired lor...plus now AF came back liao...so prone to having pimples...v.sian!! ;p
Yup yup when can meet u all up?? The hot and chio mummies club!! ;p Hope I'm 'qualify' to join!! *LOL* *keke*
no secret lah; just use makeup and good camera lor. lol~
I look pale without any makeup leh, very scary one, cos got serious dark ring. What's AF huh?
Yah ya...long ago said wanna meet up still not yet have the chance leh. How about this coming weekend if you're free. Then maybe jio maggie they all.
Any mommy can jio our club lor.
You are one chio mommy leh. And ur girl is sooooo cute and chubby. Whenever I read your blog, I hope I can pinch her cheeks. Oop.... she is too adorable lah.
Heee u so humble lah...u really got good skin complexion leh can't tell u got dark rings oso lor!! Which skin clinic u visit? Maybe I shld go lah cos I got frequent big pimples on my chin area and leaving scars leh! Super sian one! ;(
Eh this coming wkend cannot leh..how how?? heee must plan one soon to meet up with Mag and SZ oso or whoever wanna join!! wats ur email?? I can email u mu hp no!! ;p
Haaa my girl Kaelyn ah...slim down quite a lot aft the stupid stomach flu episode!!
Anyway u got 2 cutie princess there!! ;)
my camera is good mah. I don't have good skin. I'm seeing Joyce Lim skin clinic @ paragon. Last time I got many acne, now very much better but leave scar and pit holes lor. My email is e_ling05@hotmail.com, add me in msn or facebook (if you have) with this email. We then arrange a date via email or sms k.
Oh so Kaelyn getting better right. All of us infected with gstric flu sometimes ago also. So scary experience, one follow by another getting sick.
Haha, tks fr coming to Kyden 1st mth celebration.
Aiselyene is so cute la, haha
See this Sat i go JP anot yes we meet for Hd kk. Since so long ago haha