title: Our activities
date: Sunday, October 11, 2009 time : 3:58 AM 21 September 09 A Gathering @ Jacob Ballas Children's Garden. Aiyo.. see how this just turned toddler enjoying. Having her favorite babybite cracker, shaking legs somemore. Aisleyne enjoying her cracker while Jovann and Amabel happily playing ball. Pretty Jazeel and charming Phil. I couldn't really recognize Jazeel, I still ask Button, where is her girl. She is getting prettier and prettier. Love her eyes. Potluck~ I bought some kuens and baby crackers I still cannot forget how delicious this chocolate cake is. It's baked by Jen. Don't know she can bake such a delicious cake It's so yummy, I had many pieces lor. Amabel seldom get to eat chocolate cause I don't allow and she loves it... ate till the whole mouth is chocolate. She keeps saying "Mommy, the cake is nice, I want somemore please" How I wish I can bring the rest back. haha Drooling now! I met two new friends (Doris and Wendy) and their kids. Sereen and Jonas weren't in the group photo, Jonas is happily playing with water in the playground Amabel and Jovann Jovann is very active and it took awhile to get Jovann to take a pic Jean can pose very well yeah It is scorching hot, so I bought the girls to play water too. Never intend to let them play water so didn't bring the swimsuit. So just a diaper will do Then we went to ION with Sereen's family. And we are all stink. Shop for quite awhile then we get a place to rest. In this video; Aisleyne starts learning to walk, and keeps wanting to come down to walk. now she can walk very well, start running too. *headache and tiring* 26 September 09 A swim at Jurong East Swimming Complex. Is only after we moved to Jurong, we get the time to meet up and bring the kids to swim together. I like these two shot. Very funny. Charming Jaerio. So cute! Love him so much! Wow.. it takes so long to upload the above videos. I still have a lot video to load. Done with pumping. Very sleepy already but very hungry also, shall go 7-11 to get some food to fill stomach before heading to bed. continue blogging later. Night!!! Labels: BB Gathering, Our Activities, Outings |
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