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title: BMW Christmas Bash
date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
time : 6:48 PM

2009 X'mas party

I know this post came out to be late, been crazy over the games in my iphone, busy with work, busy taking care of my 2 lil rascals when back home and staying at my in-law's house over the past few weekends, enjoying like having chalet, feeling good and relaxing over there. I got so much to write on my girls but I have no much time now, hubby is picking me up soon.

So for today is only pics...

I really love the balcony that the Oon have.

Start setting up while the kids relaxing

So how to keep those kids from running about?
iphone lor... the adult love it, the kids crazy over it. lol~

The X'mas present

hehe... the age of 21 is I set one. :P

when the ladies saw this, all will start screaming over it. haha

Gift exchange -->

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