date: Monday, April 28, 2008 time : 11:40 AM Weekend really passed fast. MONDAY BLUE? Not really! Cause Amabel made my day to be a good one. Yesterday night she slept very early at 8pm after a tiring day because we play with her for the whole day plus morning we went to shao mu. She’s very tired and sleepy. So I am thinking why not let her sleep at 8pm till next day morning if possible. Hoping it is the day to start with good habit of sleeping early and waking up early. I keep telling myself no matter what; I can’t let anything to disturb and wake her up. I asked hubby to lower the living room TV volume. I stopped hubby and myself from making noise. Stopped him from open the door in and out. All I want is to get her have the habit of sleeping early and waking up early at 12 hours straight of sleep. Recently I see a report that kid sleeping less than 15 hours a day is no good for their brain development in long term. I just worry that if Amabel woke up, and then she will only get to sleep again in the midnight. She do cried at 10 plus but her eyes is still closed, I so worried that she will wake up and cannot get back to sleep. I suspected she must be hungry so I feed her with milk. And she still continues sleeping, phew!! But Amabel never gets to brush her teeth after the milk. So worry that it will affect her teeth but I don’t want to wake her up. I shall rework on Amabel’s schedule to get her sleep early and have her last feed of milk early. Am I giving myself unnecessary pressure? Even never get her to brush her teeth, I can feel so bad! Hai!! With the coming of 2nd one, I am sure I will be supering busy and stressful. After nearly 12 hours of sleep; Amabel looking and feeling fresh this morning. When I woke up at 7.10am, she is still sleeping soundly. After putting on my sunblock and done with a bit of touchup on my eyes. I peeked at her; she is already sitting on her mattress, playing with her blanket. She saw me…. She gives me a very fresh sweet smile and babbling with words, which I can’t understand; it is contagious that I smile back and gave her a hug and kiss with a “Good Morning!!” She really made my day!! Pictures taken yesterday morning (shao mu)
Bought ‘Spring’ maternity pant and Capri there; it is so comfortable and don’t look like those ugly maternity pant I saw and we combined our receipt to be their member. Amabel with Cuttie Jarad By the way… thanks Valeries for getting a gift for Amabel. She really loves it. This is the new add on to Amabel bathtime toys from Aunty Valeries. Baby Ethan and his mommy, Leann, came to my house on Friday's night And lastly pic of me and us again Labels: My Gallery 6 Comments:
6 Comment(s):
Meimei, ur skin is getting really very good! Even though ur face put on some fats, u still look good! i think those mothers preg with ger really look better than those preg with boy!
Good hor! So envy...
PS: Dont ask me go for 2nd one!Haha!
Haha my colleague were saying why i got more pimples now.But you think my skin good!? I also saw alot of tiny pimples popping.Sob... I really put on fats on my face??? faint!!
Your skin now also very good mah, never see pimples coming out.
:p Try for 2nd one k! I'm waiting...
ya, i have to attest to leann's comment! ur pics are taken so up-close and i really can't see any pores or pimples or whatsoever unless you photoshop them away which i doubt so. :)
and u can afford to put on some fats on your face lah...
That day when i'm at ur house, ur naked face is so smooth & fair.. dint detect any pimples at all. That's y i say your skin is very good.
Anyway, i have tiny pimples too but not obvious. They are not really pimples, instead more like oil seeds. I have LOTS of it. Covered with make-up.. wahahahha!
Please... I'm not going to try for 2nd one, stop ur waiting. Maybe when u intend to have 4th one then i'll consider. LOL!
You THREE stop complimenting on one another.. All of you are very pretty lor.. Hehe....
KBK, i thought u say u wanna join me to have our 2nd baby?? wahahaha... i will wait for 5 years for you until your zi gong huan drop off.. wahahaha....
You THREE stop complimenting on one another.. All of you are very pretty lor.. Hehe....
KBK, i thought u say u wanna join me to have our 2nd baby?? wahahaha... i will wait for 5 years for you until your zi gong huan drop off.. wahahaha....