★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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date: Sunday, March 16, 2008
time : 11:11 PM

Amabel is asleep now while I'm doing my office work. Just thought of writing something here before I continue with my work. Another half hour plus will be my birthday. Thanks Maggie for the birthday wishes. Yes she's the earliest! And thanks Sz for the birthday present too.

Sunday is alway a busy day for me. Either I will go supermarket buy Amabel groceries or cooking something for her, taking care and playing with her. Can only rest and do my stuff when she is sleeping.

Evening time, she cried wanna me bring her out. So I agreed, bringing her go downstair for a walk and wait for her Daddy to come back from work. She thought I am bringing her to shopping or somewhere far. She took my handbag, forcing me to carry it along with me. I told her 'No, don't need to bring Mommy's bag' and I put it back. She cried and want my to carry it. I said 'No', explained to her that we just going downstair for a walk only. She cried again and insist me to carry it along. So I surrender and carry it, then I put it back on the bench. Again she cried and I pretended to carry it and wanted to walk out of the house. Then she stepped out of the house and I faster put down my bag and closed the gate. I told her, 'Mommy bring you go downstair for a walk and wait for Daddy, so don't need to bring the bag k?' She replied: "Okay."Haha I really didn't expected such action from her. Really a clever girl.

Just now before Amabel sleep, she made me angry again or perhap is I'm unhappy with other, way of handling my kid. So not in the good mood. I persist my way of discipline, setting rules and schedule to kid that is why Amabel is sleeping now, if not I think she'll still be running around the house now.

Ya agreed that I shall apology to her just now. My maid cut some fruit for me and place it in the living room. Amabel came into the room whilst I doing my office work, she grabbed my fingers and intend to pull me to the living room to have the fruit. But I refused and scolded her, want her to come into the bedroom sleep. She cried!

She's really a good daughter.

I talk and play with her for awhile, kissed her and I said 'Sorry' to her. She tossed about and fell asleep in awhile. And I give her a kiss again. It really sweet to have such a lovely daughter.
She is the best present for the rest of my birthday, my life. And coming another one soon.
I shall feel very blessed already

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