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title: Mother's Love
date: Wednesday, January 30, 2008
time : 10:39 AM

It's Mother's love that brings us into this world
It's Mother's love that shapes us into young boys and girls
It's Mother's love we cry for in the middle of the night
Wanting to be fed or to turn on the night light.
Sleepily she'd come and chase our fears away
Put visions in our head of a wonderful new day
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's love.
The years go by so fast, the diaper days are over
We're trying out our wings, bringing things home that you've never seen.
From kindergarten to grade school, you've helped us with our home work
No bad report card or a fight at school would stop you from believing in us.
Although there were times when we'd take you for granted,You'd still be there to nurture that love seed that you planted.
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's love.
High school days are here and our self-proclaimed independence
Wild parties and beer, parents are wrong, they don't make sense
Yet patiently she's home, waiting, watching, and wondering
What will they become, those kids I've raised so lovingly
Adolescence is a trying time of life,
How she made it through must have been her sacrificial rite
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's love
Through trade schools and colleges you've given us the knowledges
To make decisions on our own and one day have a happy home
Though miles away from us, you’re always on our mind
As someone we can trust in and depend on anytime
Years on down the road you’re getting tired, you’re growing old
Put your trust in us, we'll take care of you, we'll be there to hold
There's not enough time to show you or repay

The joy you've given us, and so I write this song to say that
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's
Nothing in this world is like my Mother's.....Love


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