★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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date: Thursday, November 01, 2007
time : 12:01 PM

We didn't realise that my passport is expiring in another 6 more months. Until the day we set off for the trip, Hubby realised it. I got to renew it soon.
On the tour bus, the way to Genting

I like the weather there soooooooo much... not too cold and hot, 365days cool weather. Shiok ah! Amabel likes it too, so good to sleep in such a cool environment. No wonder, she keeps sleeping. We just couldn't stand Singapore super HOT weather.


Think I am only the one dare to wear so little at there. To me the weather there is just cool, not cold. I rather 冷死 than 热死. Haha!

With grandfather and grandmother
With our helping, Rasiti

In our Hotel room.
And I requested a baby cot for Amabel
A buffet dinner at Genting Hotel

The Chew family, Ah Kiat and his fiancee also set off to Genting the same day with us by cars.
Here Chew family's room in Resort Hotel

3 days 2 nights, is really enough. I can't imagine if I were to live there for more days, I will be bored to death. Nothing much to shop (still I bought 3 tops) and the food is expensive (except for the Ah Yi Abalone, we could eat it at very cheap price of nearly SIN$400+ only, compare to S'pore it is really cheap) .

And couldn't play the Theme Park games except Merries-go-round for Amabel.

and Velerie bring Amabel and her son for a train ride
Indoor Theme Park.
And we had an picture whilst Hubby having his foot massage
Hubby bought for Amabel a mobile Lame Toy and she got a soft toy gift from Veleries too.

Then the last day pics -->

Showing off her 8 pearly white tooth
Walk as much as she could before boarding the bus

Amabel is enjoying the baby biscuit, on the way back to Singapore.
Casino? Yes, I did play the Jackpot for awhile and I lose abt SIN$100 in just half an hour. Nvm cause is Hubby's $$. Haha! But my parent-in-law really enjoying. Their main purpose of going Genting is just for casino.

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