★ My 2 Mini Dimples ★
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title: So sweet...
date: Thursday, April 26, 2007
time : 8:21 AM

I must update this. I still keep thinking about what happened yesterday night. It's so sweet! My sweet girl crawled up my platform bed, trying to hug me. So sweet!

Amabel... you used to crawl by launching forward and ended up slamming on your tummy, and you can do it very fast to reach out for things. Now you have learned to crawl by raising up one of your hand high up, hang on there, put your hand down, keeping a position with the hands palms down, moving your leg forward and raise another hand up, hang in the air and put down, and moving your leg forward. You have learned to coordinate your hands and legs pretty well but are still trying very hard to do it perfectly. You can reach out for thing super fast, within a few second, you are out of the playmat already.


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