Our Lil Princess:
Amabel Loh
21 August 2006
Place of Birth:
Thomson Medical Centre, Singapore
Delivery Method:
Natural Delivery without Epidural
Borned in Gestation age:
38weeks 3days
Weight at Birth:
Length at Birth:
14 months
Our 2nd Lil Princess:
Aisleyne Loh
15 August 2008
Place of Birth:
Thomson Medical Centre, Singapore
Delivery Method:
Natural Delivery without Epidural
Borned in Gestation age:
39weeks 2days
Weight at Birth:
Length at Birth:
3 years+
title: Battle with Amabel date: Saturday, December 16, 2006 time : 10:12 AM
What happen to you? You don't want to drink milk after waking up from 9.5 hours stretch of sleep this morning. Don't you feel hungry? Seeing you drink so little got me worried. You are still very active and alert, but every feeding time is a battle to us. You will thrusting out your tongue to push away the bottle teat or turn your head here and there or struggle to make us surrender. In the end, threw away 150ml of milk. But come to direct breastfeeding, you seem to be more receptive. Is it that i need to change the bottle teat again? Your weight gain is poor, pls tell me what we can do to make you drink?
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