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title: Getting help from BMSG Counsellor
date: Wednesday, October 25, 2006
time : 5:56 PM

Received the reply from BMSG Counsellor on the problem i face:

Name: Apple
Baby age: 2months 2days
Breastfeeding status: total breastfeeding
Subject: Help! My gal don't want bottle.
Question: What i should do now? I need to go back work in mid of next month and my daughter, Amabel refused to drink from bottle at all. I have been giving my gal drink my ebm through bottle and also sometime latch on but out of the sudden, this few days my gal refused to drink from bottle. She will suckle a few mouthful of expressed milk from bottle then start crying then we got to comfort her and try offer her drink again but she will again suckle for afew mouthful then cried and that repeat again and it will take her an hour to finish the milk. Most of the time, we have to feed the baby the bottle before she wakes up but in light sleep mode, cause like that she won't really notice that the milk she drinking is from bottle. Sometime not to see her keep crying like this and got no choice but to let her latch on then she will stop crying immediate and happily drinking my breastmilk. But i can't keep letting her latch on cause i will need to work and love to let her latch on when i am at home with her. What should i do so she will drink from bottle while i am away from work and will also latch on when i am back? Please help!

BMSG E-Counsellor wrote:
Dear Apple,
Some breastfed babies are smart enough to refuse the bottles if the mother is present since they know what's BEST for them. Do not be too worried first. Firstly, were you very near to your baby when you tried to get someone to introduce the bottle? It is normal for a breastfed baby to refuse EBM if he knows the mother is nearby and will be confused why wouldn't the mother be direct feeding instead. Most babies will not take a bottle if they know their mother is nearby, because they associate their mother with the pleasure of nursing. To begin, I would suggest you get away while you find someone to introduce the bottle. These are some of the ways that will help your caregiver to encourage your baby to taking a bottle:
- Try offering the bottle before the baby is likely to be too hungry, before his usual nap time, as he may be more cooperative about trying something new. You can try to feed the baby the bottle before she wakes up but in light sleep mode, you can tell by observing your child if she is starting to have somelight movements and on the verge of waking up.
- Hold the baby lovingly while giving the bottle.
- Wrap the baby in the mother's clothing with her smell on it (eg. your home wear or night gown) while offering the bottle.
- Instead of pushing the bottle nipple into the baby's mouth, try laying it near his mouth and allow him to pull it in himself, or tickle the baby's mouth with the bottle's nipple, just as how many mothers do with the breasts.
- Try running warm water over the bottle nipple to bring it up to body tempature, like the breast.
- You may have to try different bottle nipples to find a shape, a substance (rubber or silicone), and a hole size that the baby will accept more receptively. Some babies prefer a larger or smaller nipple hole or different nipple types and shapes.
- Try different feeding positions. Some babies will take a bottle better in the nursing position, others like to sit propped against the caregiver's raised legs (like sitting in an infant seat), etc. - Try to feed the baby while moving rhythmically -rocking gently, walking, or swaying from side to side - because this may be calming to him; some babies who refuse a bottle at other times will take a bottle when they are riding in a car seat.
- Insert the bottle nipple in to the baby's mouth while he is sleeping.
- Keep trying, but remember the baby can be fed the mother's milk using other feeding methods, such as cup or spoon, if the baby continues to refuse the bottle.
Some babies also do go on "reverse-cycle nursing", ie. drinks rather little in the day or when the mother is away, and go on a "nursing marathon" to catch up with all the milk feeds when the mother is back home.
Last but not least, keep up with your breastfeeding efforts. Remember that it wasn't a mistake that you have always offered breasts first to your baby as direct feeding is the BEST. Bottle refusal is usually a transitional phrase and eventually your baby will recognise that if you're not around, she will have to take a bottle as subsitute.
All the best!
Noelle Tan
Volunteer Counsellor

Just now immediately after reading the above email, we went to 'Great world city' to buy a NUK latex teat (already got a NUK bottle but the teat is silicon one), cause I read somewhere that latex teat texture is more like mother's nipple. Hoping that this will work on you since you don't like to drink from Avent bottle. Came back home, I faster wash and sterilize the teat and bottle, going to give you after your shower. And surprised... today you don't want to leave the bath tub at all. When Rasiti carry you from the bath tub, you start crying then she put you in the water again and you stop crying. I ran into the room when hearing you crying and asked her why you crying. I asked her to put you back into the tub and you stop crying immediately. Being worried that you will catch a cold since the water will turn cold eventually, we got no choice but to leave you up again and dressed you and of course you cried when we leave you up. Haha! You really like water a lot. Hope can bring you go swimming soon. I passed Rasiti my clothes that I wore just now and place it on your body. Rasiti start feeding you whilst I stay at your room surfing net. After 5minutes, never hear you cry at all then I peek at you and asked Rasiti you got drink milk or not. Rasiti reply: oh... Amabel finished the milk already.
Mummy reaction: Huh! Mummy asked: Amabel finished the milk in how long? Rasiti replied: 5mins. Mummy reaction: Wow! Me feel so happy and surprise cause everytime you will take about an hour to finish the milk. But got to try again in your next feed later, to make sure it work. Haha... ...


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1 Comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i cant wait to see amabel in her swimming costume..lol

Sunday, November 05, 2006 9:45:00 AM  

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i cant wait to see amabel in her swimming costume..lol

Sunday, November 05, 2006 9:45:00 AM  

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