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title: What Amabel feeding with?
date: Monday, September 04, 2006
time : 3:37 PM

You now do not take normal food (rice, noodles, meat, fish etc) like daddy and mummy. You drink milk, and is purely manufacture by mummy which contains a lot of nutrients and is the best food for you. Now you will cry for milk every 2 or 3 hours whenever you are hungry. During your stay in hospital for the first 3 days, nurse have been feeding you most of the time with glucose, as you alway asleep and refuse to latch on for long. Later, you managed to suckle for about 10mins but i think you are not having much as most of the time you fall asleep and need mummy to tickle your chin to wake you up. Everyday mummy will try to express my milk and store it in the fridge, we give you 40ml initially then increased to 60ml and now you are drinking 80 - 90ml of milk per feed. Mummy even keep track of how many times and how much you drink in my notebook to make sure you're well feeded. Now, i will either feed you directly or through bottle-feeding. I prefer to feed you through bottle as it allows me to monitor how much milk you have been drinking and also cause everytime i feed you through my breast, you will tend to fall asleep easier and therefore will take longer time and making mummy perspiring. Most important is to burp you after every feed to prevent wind in your stomach. I also giving you wind drop medicine 4 times a day before feeding.
To keep your bottles and teats clean and free from harmful germs and bacterias, we clean them in a sterilizer.


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