Our Lil Princess:
Amabel Loh
21 August 2006
Place of Birth:
Thomson Medical Centre, Singapore
Delivery Method:
Natural Delivery without Epidural
Borned in Gestation age:
38weeks 3days
Weight at Birth:
Length at Birth:
14 months
Our 2nd Lil Princess:
Aisleyne Loh
15 August 2008
Place of Birth:
Thomson Medical Centre, Singapore
Delivery Method:
Natural Delivery without Epidural
Borned in Gestation age:
39weeks 2days
Weight at Birth:
Length at Birth:
3 years+
title: Its great to be pregnant! date: Saturday, April 22, 2006 time : 7:16 PM
I'm a STAR! Grow a bump and suddenly i'm a people magnet. Strangers smile at me in the street; neighbours ask me when my baby's due; colleagues stop by my desk for a chat. Everyone wants to know how i'm doing. , what i'm feeling, which baby names i'm considering. All of a sudden i've got the starring role and 40 glorious weeks to reveal in the limelight. And quite right, too. After all, boby body is creating, growing and nurturing a brand new human being. Now that, really is something to celebrate.
Have gained my weight to 46.4kg. Now could see my chubby face le.
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