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date: Sunday, April 09, 2006
time : 12:49 PM

I were feeling down when i read about this unfortunate incident:

"I have just done my detailed scan on Monday.. However the scan reveals that my bb boy (we named him Ethan) has a serious congential heart defect and if he were to be born, he will have to undergo various operations to correct the problem.. We have consulted 2 doctors and the results were consistent..

My hubby and I have decided to terminate the pregnancy and the procedure will be done on Friday.. It hurts a lot and I know this wound will never ever heal.. I had just felt Ethan's kickings on Saturday and my hubby managed to feel it thru my tummy also.. he was so excited when he felt those kicks.. We even bought fairy tales books and read to him.. He was so active during the detailed scan, he was busy moving ard his hands and legs, touching here and there.. so cute yet such thing has to happen to him..

I know it is a painful decision to make but we are doing it for our bb's future. We dun want him to lead a life having to go in and out of hospitals and not being able to lead active lives like other normal kids... Right now as i am typing, i can still feel his kicks, i dunno if he is trying to tell me not to give up on him.. I am really very tramatised by this and I dunno how long it will take for me to get over this... "

It hurts so much to any mummy who encounter this. Michelle, my prayers are with u! i pray for God's strength and healing grace to be upon u and your family. be strong and speedy recovery for the op later. your little boy will be well-taken care and loved by those little angels from Heaven!

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